David Leidholdt

Vice President, Sales at STL Communication

David Leidholdt Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(314) ***-****

David Leidholdt Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

David Leidholdt Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About David Leidholdt

Dave Leidholdt is STL Communication’s Vice President of Sales and comes to the position with many years of industry experience. Dave graduated from Southern Illinois University with degrees in Avionics and Advanced Technical Studies and began his work career with McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems as a member of the Quality Engineering team. After 3 years of employment with them, he took a leap of faith and accepted a position with a very new and small (at the time) STL Communications as their ninth employee. He initially was STL’s first office manager, then purchasing manager and later moved to a full-time sales position in 1993. Dave decided to pursue other ventures in technology for several years outside STL including a stint with a data focused company and a managed services organization. In 2015, Dave reunited with STL Communications; first as a senior salesperson and now as Vice President of Sales. His 27 years of industry experience provide him with the extensive knowledgeRead more

David Leidholdt Current Workplace

STL Communication

1991-present (33 years)

Founded in 1989, STL Communications is a Business Services Partner (BSP) specializing in Voice, Networking, Storage and Managed Service/Cloud services.

David Leidholdt Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President, Sales Healthcare

STL Communication


Senior Account Executive

STL Communication


Senior Account Executive


Senior Account Executive

Best Buy Canada


Bachelor of Science - Advanced Technical Studies (Avionics)

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Org Chart - STL Communication


Vice President, Sales




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Leidholdt

What company does David Leidholdt work for?
David Leidholdt works for STL Communication as Vice President, Sales
What is David Leidholdt’s role in STL Communication?
David Leidholdt’s role in STL Communication is Vice President, Sales
What is David Leidholdt’s email address?
David Leidholdt’s email address is d***@stlcom.com
What is David Leidholdt’s business email address?
David Leidholdt’s business email address is d***@stlcom.com
What is David Leidholdt’s direct phone number?
David Leidholdt’s direct phone number is (314) ***-****
What is David Leidholdt’s work phone number?
David Leidholdt’s headquarters phone number is (314) 205-7100
What is David Leidholdt’s latest job experience?
David Leidholdt’s latest job experience is Vice President, Sales Healthcare at STL Communication
What is David Leidholdt’s latest education?
David Leidholdt’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Advanced Technical Studies (Avionics) at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Which industry does David Leidholdt work in?
David Leidholdt works in the industry of Cable & Satellite, Telecommunications.
Who are David Leidholdt’s peers at other companies?
David Leidholdt’s peers at other companies are Mitch McGaughey, Karen Schatz, Brett Bergeron, Glen Rocco, Kevin Schnirel.
Who are David Leidholdt’s colleagues?
Some of David Leidholdt’s colleagues are Moath Al Jabri, Peggy Ault, Rick Romeo, Patrick McClanahan.
How can I contact David Leidholdt?
David Leidholdt contact details: Email address: d***@stlcom.com Phone number: (314) ***-****
Who is David Leidholdt?

Dave Leidholdt is STL Communication’s Vice President of Sales and comes to the position with many years of industry experience. Dave graduated from Southern Illinois University with degrees in Avionics and Advanced Technical Studies and began his work career with McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems as a member of the Quality Engineering team. Af... ter 3 years of employment with them, he took a leap of faith and accepted a position with a very new and small (at the time) STL Communications as their ninth employee. He initially was STL’s first office manager, then purchasing manager and later moved to a full-time sales position in 1993. Dave decided to pursue other ventures in technology for several years outside STL including a stint with a data focused company and a managed services organization. In 2015, Dave reunited with STL Communications; first as a senior salesperson and now as Vice President of Sales. His 27 years of industry experience provide him with the extensive knowledge and expertise required to lead STL’s sales team.Read More

Where is David Leidholdt based?
David Leidholdt works for STL Communication, located at United States
See more information about David Leidholdt

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