2020-present (4 years)
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7Last Update 12/30/2024 6:52 AM
About David Kisabuli
David Kisabuli works as a Manager, Finance at Keagles Knitwear, which is a Manufacturing company. They are part of Finance Department and their management level is Manager. David is currently based in Kenya. They used to work at The Council of Governors and The Council of Governors. Found email listings include: d***@keaglesknitwear.co.ke, @yike.org,and @cog.go.ke.Explore more
David Kisabuli Current Workplace
Keagles Knitwear
We offer a wide range of promotional items to meet our clients specific needs, such as product promotional campaigns etc. We provide services from apparel patterning, branding, sampling to manufacturing of orders both small to large. Our Team of experienced merchandisers work closely with the client and are able to provide quality fashion, sportswear garments and uniform orders. We are a one stop shop that provides personalized service from patterning, production to packaging. This allows us to offer our products at competitive prices. With our experienced staff and reliable suppliers, Keagles Knitwear is able to complete quality project on time. Quality is our primary focus. We inspection and controls at every stage of production. Motto
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SymbiocityKenya | CONTACT US
David Kisabuli , Finance Officer: david.kisabuli@cog.go.ke Follow Us on TwitterSymbiocityKenya | CONTACT US
David Kisabuli , Finance Officer: david.kisabuli@cog.go.ke Follow Us on Twitter
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