David Hindman

Immediate President at California Psychological Association

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David Hindman Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

David Hindman Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

David Hindman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About David Hindman

David Hindman is the Immediate President at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California. Previously, David was the Branch, Sage Ehr Management Branch Substance Abuse Prevention & Control Chief (Sapc) at Los Angeles County and also held positions at Emmada Psychology Center, Charles R Drew University, California Psychological Association, California Health Care Foundation, Health Services Los Angeles County, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. David received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University Of Michigan and a Doctor of Philosophy from Fuller Theological Seminary.

David Hindman Current Workplace

Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Sacramento, California, California Psychological Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association for licensed psychologists and others affiliated with the delivery of psychological services.

David Hindman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

President Elect

California Psychological Association


Branch, Sage Ehr Management Branch Substance Abuse Prevention & Control Chief (Sapc)

Los Angeles County


Senior Staff Psychologist

Emmada Psychology Center




Bachelor of Arts

University Of Michigan

Doctor of Philosophy

Fuller Theological Seminary

Master of Arts

Fuller Theological Seminary

Org Chart - California Psychological Association

David Hindman

Immediate President

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Hindman

What company does David Hindman work for?
David Hindman works for California Psychological Association as Immediate President
What is David Hindman’s role in California Psychological Association?
David Hindman’s role in California Psychological Association is Immediate President
What is David Hindman’s email address?
David Hindman’s email address is d***@ph.lacounty.gov
What is David Hindman’s business email address?
David Hindman’s business email address is d***@ph.lacounty.gov
What is David Hindman’s direct phone number?
David Hindman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Hindman’s work phone number?
David Hindman’s headquarters phone number is (916) 286-7979
What is David Hindman’s latest job experience?
David Hindman’s latest job experience is President at California Psychological Association
What is David Hindman’s latest education?
David Hindman’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at University Of Michigan
Which industry does David Hindman work in?
David Hindman works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are David Hindman’s peers at other companies?
David Hindman’s peers at other companies are Welma Stonehouse, Kati Harkreader, K.Kalimba Kindell, Nick Tate, Karen Gembar.
Who are David Hindman’s colleagues?
Some of David Hindman’s colleagues are Temre Uzuncan, David Lin, Daniel Rockers, Scott Parker.
How can I contact David Hindman?
David Hindman contact details: Email address: d***@ph.lacounty.gov Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is David Hindman?

David Hindman is the Immediate President at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California. Previously, David was the Branch, Sage Ehr Management Branch Substance Abuse Prevention & Control Chief (Sapc) at Los Angeles County and also held positions at Emmada Psychology Center, Charles R Drew University, California Psychologic... al Association, California Health Care Foundation, Health Services Los Angeles County, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. David received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University Of Michigan and a Doctor of Philosophy from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Where is David Hindman based?
David Hindman works for California Psychological Association, located at United States