2024-present (1 year)
David Hindman
Immediate President at California Psychological Association
David Hindman Email & Phone number
David Hindman Current Workplace
1231 I St Ste 204, Sacramento, California, 95814, United States
Phone Number
(916) 286-7979
Number of Employees
David Hindman Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Number of job titles
13About David Hindman
David Hindman is the Immediate President at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California.
Previously, David was the Branch, Sage Ehr Management Branch Substance Abuse Prevention & Control Chief (Sapc) at Los Angeles County and also held positions at Emmada Psychology Center, Charles R Drew University, California Psychological Association, California Health Care Foundation, Health Services Los Angeles County, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
David received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University Of Michigan and a Doctor of Philosophy from Fuller Theological Seminary.
David Hindman Current Workplace
California Psychological Association
Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Sacramento, California, California Psychological Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association for licensed psychologists and others affiliated with the delivery of psychological services.
David Hindman Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
7Number of job titles
13Work Experience
Branch, Sage Ehr Management Branch Substance Abuse Prevention & Control Chief (Sapc)
Los Angeles County2021-
Bachelor of Arts
University Of MichiganDoctor of Philosophy
Fuller Theological SeminaryMaster of Arts
Fuller Theological SeminaryRecent News About David Hindman
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Dr. David Hindman Dr. David Hindman Dr. David HindmanOur Team - Emmadapsych.com
Dr. David Hindman Dr. David HindmanMoet Monroe - Emmadapsych.com
Dr. David Hindman Dr. David Hindman Dr. David Hindman Dr. David Hindman Dr. David Hindman is a clinical psychologist with many years of ex...Committees and Task Forces - Members - California Psychological Association
David Hindman , PhD David Hindman , PhD
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Hindman
David Hindman is the Immediate President at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California. Previously, David was the Branch, Sage Ehr Management Branch Substance Abuse Prevention & Control Chief (Sapc) at Los Angeles County and also held positions at Emmada Psychology Center, Charles R Drew University, California Psychologic...