David Halevi

Rabbi at Hevrat Pinto

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David Halevi Current Workplace



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About David Halevi

David Halevi is a Rabbi at Hevrat Pinto based in Spring Valley, New York.Explore more

David Halevi Current Workplace

Hevrat Pinto

2021-present (4 years)

Hevrat Pinto 32, rue du Plateau 75019 Paris - FRANCE Tél. : +331 42 08 25 40 Fax : +331 42 06 00 33 © 2015 Webmaster : Hanania Soussan "Moshe assembled the entire assembly of the Children of IsraelOn six days, work may be done, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest for Hashem" (Shemot 35:1-2) Our Sages explain the reason for preceding the section concerning Mishkan with the command about Shabbat. But there is an additional point we will try to clarify. Why were these two commands put together and said at the same time? There is obviously some deep, internal connection between Shabbat and the Mishkan. Nous questionnons au sujet des Halahot relatives à Pessah 30 jours avant la fte. Il écrit dans la Torah : « Durant 6 jours tu consommeras des Matsot et le 7me jour sera un évnement pour Hachem ton D Tu ne feras aucun travailTu te réjouiras devant Hachem ton D., toi, ton fils, ta fille, ton serviteur, ta servante, ainsi que le Levi qui habite parmi toi, et létranSee more

Org Chart - Hevrat Pinto






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Halevi

What company does David Halevi work for?
David Halevi works for Hevrat Pinto as Rabbi
What is David Halevi’s role in Hevrat Pinto?
David Halevi’s role in Hevrat Pinto is Rabbi
What is David Halevi’s email address?
David Halevi’s email address is d***@visiong.mx
What is David Halevi’s business email address?
David Halevi’s business email address is d***@visiong.mx
What is David Halevi’s direct phone number?
David Halevi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Halevi’s work phone number?
David Halevi’s headquarters phone number is (845) 426-1276
Which industry does David Halevi work in?
David Halevi works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are David Halevi’s peers at other companies?
David Halevi’s peers at other companies are Baruch Gore, Shmuel Singer, Daniel Muskat, Boris Dolin, Manes Kogan.
Who are David Halevi’s colleagues?
Some of David Halevi’s colleagues are Eliyahu Hacohen, Chaim Azulai, Yaakov Abihssira, Nathan Finkel.
How can I contact David Halevi?
David Halevi contact details: Email address: d***@visiong.mx Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is David Halevi?

David Halevi is a Rabbi at Hevrat Pinto based in Spring Valley, New York.... Read More

Where is David Halevi based?
David Halevi works for Hevrat Pinto, located at United States
See more information about David Halevi

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