David Dumoulin

En Urbanisme ET En Environnement Counsel at Ville de Marieville

David Dumoulin Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

David Dumoulin Current Workplace


Phone Number

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David Dumoulin Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About David Dumoulin

David Dumoulin is a seasoned professional in the fields of urban planning and environmental management. They currently serve as the En Urbanisme ET En Environnement Counsel at Ville de Marieville, where they are responsible for overseeing the city's urban development and environmental initiatives.Prior to their current role, Dumoulin spent time at Lemay, where they worked as an Urbaniste, leveraging their expertise in urban planning and design to contribute to various projects. Ayant précédemment évolué comme gestionnaire dans les domaines de l'alimentation et de la, Dumoulin brings a diverse set of skills and experiences to their work.Dumoulin holds a Diplôme d'étude collégial from Cégep de Granby and is a certified Gestionnaire de premier niveau, having earned an Attestation de compétence in this area. Their dedication to their craft and their commitment to sustainable urban development make Dumoulin a valuable asset to the communities they serve.Explore more

David Dumoulin Current Workplace

Ville de Marieville

2020-present (4 years)

Ville de Marieville is a company that operates in the Government industry. It employs 20to49 people and has 5Mto10M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Marieville, Quebec, Canada.

David Dumoulin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Stagiaire Professionnel En Environnement Et Gestion Urbaine



Gérant Service à La Clientèle



Auxiliaire D'Enseignement

University of Quebec in Montreal




Diplôme d'étude collégial

Cégep de Granby


École des sciences de la gestion (ESG UQAM)

Org Chart - Ville de Marieville


En Urbanisme ET En Environnement Co...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Dumoulin

What company does David Dumoulin work for?
David Dumoulin works for Ville de Marieville as En Urbanisme ET En Environnement Counsel
What is David Dumoulin’s role in Ville de Marieville?
David Dumoulin’s role in Ville de Marieville is En Urbanisme ET En Environnement Counsel
What is David Dumoulin’s email address?
David Dumoulin’s email address is d***@marieville.qc.ca
What is David Dumoulin’s business email address?
David Dumoulin’s business email address is d***@marieville.qc.ca
What is David Dumoulin’s direct phone number?
David Dumoulin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Dumoulin’s work phone number?
David Dumoulin’s headquarters phone number is (450) 460-4444
What is David Dumoulin’s latest job experience?
David Dumoulin’s latest job experience is Urbaniste at Lemay
What is David Dumoulin’s latest education?
David Dumoulin’s latest education in Diplôme d'étude collégial at Cégep de Granby
Which industry does David Dumoulin work in?
David Dumoulin works in the industry of Government.
Who are David Dumoulin’s colleagues?
Some of David Dumoulin’s colleagues are Micheline Demers, Dominic Duff, Joel Belanger, Cria Maryse Béland.
How can I contact David Dumoulin?
David Dumoulin contact details: Email address: d***@marieville.qc.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is David Dumoulin?

David Dumoulin is a seasoned professional in the fields of urban planning and environmental management. They currently serve as the En Urbanisme ET En Environnement Counsel at Ville de Marieville, where they are responsible for overseeing the city's urban development and environmental initiatives.Prior to their current role, Dumoulin spent time at... Lemay, where they worked as an Urbaniste, leveraging their expertise in urban planning and design to contribute to various projects. Ayant précédemment évolué comme gestionnaire dans les domaines de l'alimentation et de la, Dumoulin brings a diverse set of skills and experiences to their work.Dumoulin holds a Diplôme d'étude collégial from Cégep de Granby and is a certified Gestionnaire de premier niveau, having earned an Attestation de compétence in this area. Their dedication to their craft and their commitment to sustainable urban development make Dumoulin a valuable asset to the communities they serve.Read More

Where is David Dumoulin based?
David Dumoulin works for Ville de Marieville, located at Canada
See more information about David Dumoulin

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