David Breen

President at Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky

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About David Breen

David Breen is the President at Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky based in Prospect, Kentucky. Previously, David was the Student at Eastern Kentucky University.Explore more

David Breen Current Workplace

Like the individual whose memory this award honors, the recipient thereof need not have any Marine Corps affiliation. For over 30 years, Rodney Williams, Jr., through his long time employment with the University of Louisville, ultimately serving as its Alumni Director, provided logistical, administrative and moral support to Marine Corps officer recruiting efforts, forging a lasting friendship with the late Colonel Rich Higgins, USMC, who in 1971 served as OSO, University of Louisville. Rodney Williams, Jr. was self-sacrificing and devoted to the young people of our armed forces, without an agenda or expectation of remuneration or recognition. Perhaps it was his way of serving his country. Through his relationship with Colonel Rich Higgins, who in February 1988 was abducted, and later tortured and murdered by Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, he came to know and love the Marine Corps. Through the years, Rodney Williams, Jr. developed a passion for the OSO Mess Night, which was establishSee more

David Breen Work Experience & Education

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Org Chart - Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding David Breen

What company does David Breen work for?
David Breen works for Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky as President
What is David Breen’s role in Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky?
David Breen’s role in Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky is President
What is David Breen’s direct phone number?
David Breen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Breen’s latest job experience?
David Breen’s latest job experience is Student at Eastern Kentucky University
Which industry does David Breen work in?
David Breen works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are David Breen’s peers at other companies?
David Breen’s peers at other companies are Brett Protexpest, Janet Edwards, Brian Hoggard, Rosemarie Onwukwe, Suzanne Kochevar.
Who are David Breen’s colleagues?
Some of David Breen’s colleagues are William Hammerstadt, Darien Kearns, William Hammerstadt, Houston Hills.
Who is David Breen?

David Breen is the President at Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky based in Prospect, Kentucky. Previously, David was the Student at Eastern Kentucky University.... Read More

Where is David Breen based?
David Breen works for Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky, located at United States
Who is Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky’s President?
Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Kentucky's President is David Breen
See more information about David Breen

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