Darwish Beyuta

Electrical Apprentice at MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors

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About Darwish Beyuta

Darwish Beyuta is an Electrical Apprentice at MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors based in Doha, Baladiyat ad Dawhah.Explore more

Darwish Beyuta Current Workplace

MEGATEC, with an extensive experience of more than 20 years has established itself as a leading MEP Contracting Company in the construction industry by successfully completing various construction projects. Our projects include schools, universities, religious institution, residential buildings, hospitals, hotels, and many more. Additionally, we also sub-contract to our associates like fire fighting and water treatment systems. Over the years Megatec has believed in characteristics of Corporate and Social Ethics that were essential to our growth and future development. MEGATEC has an effective mix of management and operational skill. It comprises a talented group of engineering and construction workforce representing major engineering discipline, therefore, proving their competence in diverse projects undertaken by the company. With a fleet of 65 Engineers, 75 Supervisors and foremen, and 1500 technicians, Megatec is venturing into international engineering and construction arena. MEGASee more

Org Chart - MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors


Electrical Apprentice




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Darwish Beyuta

What company does Darwish Beyuta work for?
Darwish Beyuta works for MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors as Electrical Apprentice
What is Darwish Beyuta’s role in MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors?
Darwish Beyuta’s role in MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors is Electrical Apprentice
What is Darwish Beyuta’s direct phone number?
Darwish Beyuta’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Darwish Beyuta work in?
Darwish Beyuta works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Darwish Beyuta’s peers at other companies?
Darwish Beyuta’s peers at other companies are Brian Griffin, Raymond Hill, Brandon Collins, Stewart Wilson, Kurtis Paddison.
Who are Darwish Beyuta’s colleagues?
Some of Darwish Beyuta’s colleagues are Devendra Pahari, Mandy Mandy, Frederick Valdez, Mohamed Attigui.
Who is Darwish Beyuta?

Darwish Beyuta is an Electrical Apprentice at MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors based in Doha, Baladiyat ad Dawhah.... Read More

Where is Darwish Beyuta based?
Darwish Beyuta works for MEGATEC electro mechanical engineers and contractors, located at Qatar
See more information about Darwish Beyuta

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