
Darius Venter

Global Associate VP, Trade Marketing at Pixi Beauty

Darius Venter Email & Phone number


(310) ***-****

Darius Venter Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Darius Venter Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Darius Venter

Darius Venter is a Global Associate VP, Trade Marketing at Pixi Beauty based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Darius was an Associate VP, Retail Operations & Promotions at Pixi Beauty.

Darius Venter Current Workplace

Pixi Beauty

2020-present (5 years)

Pixi Beauty was founded in 2001. This company provides the manufacturing and retailing of cosmetics and beauty products. Their headquarters are located in London, United Kingdom.

Darius Venter Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate VP, Retail Operations & Promotions

Pixi Beauty


Executive Director, Production Operations Pixi & Pop Beauty

Pixi Beauty


Manager, Production Pixi & Pop Beauty

Pixi Beauty


Org Chart - Pixi Beauty

Darius Venter

Global Associate VP, Trade Marketin...

Recent News About Darius Venter

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Darius Venter

What company does Darius Venter work for?
Darius Venter works for Pixi Beauty as Global Associate VP, Trade Marketing
What is Darius Venter’s role in Pixi Beauty?
Darius Venter’s role in Pixi Beauty is Global Associate VP, Trade Marketing
What is Darius Venter’s email address?
Darius Venter’s email address is d***@pixibeauty.com
What is Darius Venter’s business email address?
Darius Venter’s business email address is d***@pixibeauty.com
What is Darius Venter’s direct phone number?
Darius Venter’s direct phone number is (310) ***-****
What is Darius Venter’s work phone number?
Darius Venter’s headquarters phone number is (800) 792-5330
What is Darius Venter’s latest job experience?
Darius Venter’s latest job experience is Associate VP, Retail Operations & Promotions at Pixi Beauty
Which industry does Darius Venter work in?
Darius Venter works in the industry of Cosmetics, Beauty Supply & Personal Care Products, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Darius Venter’s colleagues?
Some of Darius Venter’s colleagues are Sjon Dowell, Olivia Bacon, Miwa Nishiji, Annie Mui.
How can I contact Darius Venter?
Darius Venter contact details: Email address: d***@pixibeauty.com Phone number: (310) ***-****
Who is Darius Venter?

Darius Venter is a Global Associate VP, Trade Marketing at Pixi Beauty based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Darius was an Associate VP, Retail Operations & Promotions at Pixi Beauty....

Where is Darius Venter based?
Darius Venter works for Pixi Beauty, located at United States