Danielle Previdi

Teaching Assistant at Holy Rosary Catholic School

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About Danielle Previdi

Danielle Previdi is a Teaching Assistant at Holy Rosary Catholic School based in Claremont, Tasmania.Explore more

Danielle Previdi Current Workplace

Holy Rosary Catholic School

2021-present (4 years)

Holy Rosary Catholic School offers a wide range of co-curricular activities including camps from Grade 3 to 6, Choir, Band, Swimming and Gymnastics Programs Interschool sport, as well as other cultural and service activities thanks to the commitment of staff, students and parents. All these programs and activities within the school aim to fulfill Holy Rosary's goal of providing an atmosphere where students can grow and develop academically, spiritually, physically, socially, culturally and emotionally. In partnership with Good Beginning- Save the Children we have a Birth to 4 Program titled Play 2 Learn. The program runs for two hours each Tuesday during term times and supports families as they endeavor to fulfil their vital role as the primary educators of their children. It? provide parents with support and information as well as modeling of play/learning that enhances early literacy and ?numeracy skill and socials skill development. Our school has vacation, before and after school cSee more

Org Chart - Holy Rosary Catholic School


Teaching Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Danielle Previdi

What company does Danielle Previdi work for?
Danielle Previdi works for Holy Rosary Catholic School as Teaching Assistant
What is Danielle Previdi’s role in Holy Rosary Catholic School?
Danielle Previdi’s role in Holy Rosary Catholic School is Teaching Assistant
What is Danielle Previdi’s email address?
Danielle Previdi’s email address is d***@catholic.tas.edu.au
What is Danielle Previdi’s business email address?
Danielle Previdi’s business email address is d***@catholic.tas.edu.au
What is Danielle Previdi’s direct phone number?
Danielle Previdi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Danielle Previdi’s work phone number?
Danielle Previdi’s headquarters phone number is +61 362755200
Which industry does Danielle Previdi work in?
Danielle Previdi works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Danielle Previdi’s peers at other companies?
Danielle Previdi’s peers at other companies are Tammie Lockrow, Marquetta Jordan, Robin Munford, Ariel Keefe, Tami Monteiro.
Who are Danielle Previdi’s colleagues?
Some of Danielle Previdi’s colleagues are Clare Garlick, Sally Browning, Gabrielle Fisher, Missy Harwood.
How can I contact Danielle Previdi?
Danielle Previdi contact details: Email address: d***@catholic.tas.edu.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Danielle Previdi?

Danielle Previdi is a Teaching Assistant at Holy Rosary Catholic School based in Claremont, Tasmania.... Read More

Where is Danielle Previdi based?
Danielle Previdi works for Holy Rosary Catholic School, located at Australia
See more information about Danielle Previdi

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