Dan Varner

Vice President, Client Services at Klima, Peters & Daly

Dan Varner Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Dan Varner Current Workplace


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Dan Varner Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Dan Varner

Dan Varner is a Vice President, Client Services at Klima, Peters & Daly based in Pasadena, Maryland. Previously, Dan was a Director, National Operations at Rausch Sturm.Explore more

Dan Varner Current Workplace

Klima, Peters & Daly

2023-present (2 years)

Klima, Peters, & Daly, P.A. provides a full time collection staff dedicated to producing timely and effective recoveries for its clients. We train our collectors and attorneys with respect to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Maryland Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Both clients and competitors recognize us as a firm that consistently rates in top ten lists in recovery and liquidation rates. We accomplish these goals by maintaining a highly trained staff who diligently work all stages of a collection account and who have access to the most current technologies and resources available. License icon

Dan Varner Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, National Operations

Rausch Sturm


Network Attorney & Manager

The Law Office of Wolpoff & Abramson


Org Chart - Klima, Peters & Daly


Vice President, Client Services




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dan Varner

What company does Dan Varner work for?
Dan Varner works for Klima, Peters & Daly as Vice President, Client Services
What is Dan Varner’s role in Klima, Peters & Daly?
Dan Varner’s role in Klima, Peters & Daly is Vice President, Client Services
What is Dan Varner’s direct phone number?
Dan Varner’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dan Varner’s work phone number?
Dan Varner’s headquarters phone number is (800) 899-2424
What is Dan Varner’s latest job experience?
Dan Varner’s latest job experience is Director, National Operations at Rausch Sturm
Which industry does Dan Varner work in?
Dan Varner works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Dan Varner’s peers at other companies?
Dan Varner’s peers at other companies are Jim Scheltema, Raj Sekhar, Gary Suffir, Kristen Byrne, Leo Devine.
Who are Dan Varner’s colleagues?
Some of Dan Varner’s colleagues are Sherrie Ward, Stefan Sistek, Owen Cleary, Shawn Kennedy.
Who is Dan Varner?

Dan Varner is a Vice President, Client Services at Klima, Peters & Daly based in Pasadena, Maryland. Previously, Dan was a Director, National Operations at Rausch Sturm.... Read More

Where is Dan Varner based?
Dan Varner works for Klima, Peters & Daly, located at United States
See more information about Dan Varner

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