Daisy Bamenga

Producer at Namibian Broadcasting Corporation

Daisy Bamenga Email & Phone number

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+264 ** *** ****

Daisy Bamenga Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

About Daisy Bamenga

Daisy Bamenga works as a Producer at Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, which is a Broadcasting company with an estimated 180 employees. Daisy is currently based in Windhoek, Khomas. Found email listings include: d***@nbc.na.Explore more

Daisy Bamenga Current Workplace

Namibian Broadcasting Corporation

2014-present (10 years)

In terms of this act the NBC is a juristic person. Its main source of funding is an annual state subsidy. Other sources of income are the sale of air time and programs, the issuing of yearly television licenses and the renting out of transmitters. Being a recipient of state subsidies, the NBC is accountable in the first instance, to its line Ministry, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, and in the second instance to the Namibian Parliament, which in turn represents the Namibian people. The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology tables and accounts for the NBC's budget in Parliament. In accordance with the Broadcasting Act, the NBC has to submit its financial statements and accounts for auditing by the office of the Auditor-General on a yearly basis. In addition, each year before the tabling of the budget in the National Assembly the NBC Board has to furnish its line ministry with a report on its work during the previous financial year, together withSee more

Org Chart - Namibian Broadcasting Corporation






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Daisy Bamenga

What company does Daisy Bamenga work for?
Daisy Bamenga works for Namibian Broadcasting Corporation as Producer
What is Daisy Bamenga’s role in Namibian Broadcasting Corporation?
Daisy Bamenga’s role in Namibian Broadcasting Corporation is Producer
What is Daisy Bamenga’s direct phone number?
Daisy Bamenga’s direct phone number is +264 ** *** ****
What is Daisy Bamenga’s work phone number?
Daisy Bamenga’s headquarters phone number is +264 612913111
Which industry does Daisy Bamenga work in?
Daisy Bamenga works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Daisy Bamenga’s peers at other companies?
Daisy Bamenga’s peers at other companies are Mary Hood, Caroline Goujard, Rita Hayes-Smith, Jenn Rourke, Kevin Robertson.
Who are Daisy Bamenga’s colleagues?
Some of Daisy Bamenga’s colleagues are Boldrin Titus, J. Dlamini, F. Prungu, Emilia Josef.
Where is Daisy Bamenga based?
Daisy Bamenga works for Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, located at Namibia
See more information about Daisy Bamenga

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