
Dain Ellsworth

Cpa at Ellsworth & Stout CPAs

Dain Ellsworth Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Dain Ellsworth Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Dain Ellsworth Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Dain Ellsworth

Dain Ellsworth is a Cpa at Ellsworth & Stout CPAs based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dain received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University.

Dain Ellsworth Current Workplace

Ellsworth & Stout CPAs

2000-present (24 years)

Welcome to Ellsworth & Stout CPAs! Las Vegas, NV CPA Firm and Accountants that care about your needs. LV Tax accountants, professional CPA services providing world-class financial services.

Dain Ellsworth Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Science - Accounting

Brigham Young University

Org Chart - Ellsworth & Stout CPAs

Dain Ellsworth


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dain Ellsworth

What company does Dain Ellsworth work for?
Dain Ellsworth works for Ellsworth & Stout CPAs as Cpa
What is Dain Ellsworth’s role in Ellsworth & Stout CPAs?
Dain Ellsworth’s role in Ellsworth & Stout CPAs is Cpa
What is Dain Ellsworth’s email address?
Dain Ellsworth’s email address is d***@lvcpas.com
What is Dain Ellsworth’s business email address?
Dain Ellsworth’s business email address is d***@lvcpas.com
What is Dain Ellsworth’s direct phone number?
Dain Ellsworth’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dain Ellsworth’s work phone number?
Dain Ellsworth’s headquarters phone number is (702) 871-2727
What is Dain Ellsworth’s latest education?
Dain Ellsworth’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Accounting at Brigham Young University
Which industry does Dain Ellsworth work in?
Dain Ellsworth works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Dain Ellsworth’s peers at other companies?
Dain Ellsworth’s peers at other companies are Sherry Riley, Bob Bobson, Ilinda Parham, Teresa Cozzi, Dennis Burke.
Who are Dain Ellsworth’s colleagues?
Some of Dain Ellsworth’s colleagues are Janet Doyle, Brian Agnor, Deborah Perry, Melanie Rollo.
How can I contact Dain Ellsworth?
Dain Ellsworth contact details: Email address: d***@lvcpas.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Dain Ellsworth?

Dain Ellsworth is a Cpa at Ellsworth & Stout CPAs based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dain received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University....

Where is Dain Ellsworth based?
Dain Ellsworth works for Ellsworth & Stout CPAs, located at United States