2000-present (24 years)
Dain Ellsworth Email & Phone number
Dain Ellsworth Current Workplace
7881 W Charleston Blvd Ste 155, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89117, United States
Phone Number
(702) 871-2727
Number of Employees
Dain Ellsworth Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
24Number of job titles
1About Dain Ellsworth
Dain Ellsworth is a Cpa at Ellsworth & Stout CPAs based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Dain received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University.
Dain Ellsworth Current Workplace
Ellsworth & Stout CPAs
Welcome to Ellsworth & Stout CPAs! Las Vegas, NV CPA Firm and Accountants that care about your needs. LV Tax accountants, professional CPA services providing world-class financial services.
Dain Ellsworth Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
24Number of job titles
Bachelor of Science - Accounting
Brigham Young UniversityRecent News About Dain Ellsworth
Our Team | Ellsworth & Stout CPAs
Dain E. Ellsworth Dain has over 16 years of experience in public accounting working with closely held businesses and individuals. He established h...Las Vegas CPAs for Attorneys & Legal | Ellsworth & Stout CPAs
Dain E. Ellsworth , CPA has 20 years of experience serving medical professionals and is dedicated to serving their tax and accounting needs.Dain E. Ellsworth - Ellsworth & Stout CPAs
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Dain E. Ellsworth , CPA Dain has over 16 years of experience in public accounting working with closely held businesses and individuals. He establis...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dain Ellsworth
Dain Ellsworth is a Cpa at Ellsworth & Stout CPAs based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dain received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University....