Dagmar Berthelsen

Familiecenter at Qeqqata

Dagmar Berthelsen Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Dagmar Berthelsen Work Experience Summary

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About Dagmar Berthelsen

Dagmar Berthelsen works as a Familiecenter at Qeqqata, which is a Government company with an estimated 752 employees. They used to work at Familiecenter Maniitsoq. Found email listings include: d***@qeqqata.gl.Explore more

Dagmar Berthelsen Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

Qeqqeta Kommunia is located on Greenlands west coast. Greenland is the largest island in the world and the 56,000 inhabitants in Greenland live in towns and settlements scattered along the coastline and the fjords. Less than 10.000 people live in Qeqqata Kommunia. The municipality is divided by the Arctic Circle, which is situated just south of the settelment Itilleq. The climate is arctic, with temperatures down to minus 35 degrees celcius in winter and up to plus 20 in summer. The municipality is situated in the ice free open water area, which can be reached by ship all year round. The municipality is the southernmost municipality where dog sledges are used. Greenland's main airport, Kangerlussuaq Airport is situated in the municipality of Qeqqata Kommunia and serves as the main air transport hub in Greenland. Fishing is the municipality’s primary industry. In Sisimiut and Maniitsoq there are several large boats and trawlers, that fish shrimp, snowcrab and codfish. In addition many fSee more

Dagmar Berthelsen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Familiecenter Maniitsoq


Org Chart - Qeqqata






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dagmar Berthelsen

What company does Dagmar Berthelsen work for?
Dagmar Berthelsen works for Qeqqata as Familiecenter
What is Dagmar Berthelsen’s role in Qeqqata?
Dagmar Berthelsen’s role in Qeqqata is Familiecenter
What is Dagmar Berthelsen’s direct phone number?
Dagmar Berthelsen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Dagmar Berthelsen’s work phone number?
Dagmar Berthelsen’s headquarters phone number is +299 867460
What is Dagmar Berthelsen’s latest job experience?
Dagmar Berthelsen’s latest job experience is Vejleder at Familiecenter Maniitsoq
Which industry does Dagmar Berthelsen work in?
Dagmar Berthelsen works in the industry of Government.
Who are Dagmar Berthelsen’s colleagues?
Some of Dagmar Berthelsen’s colleagues are Arnajarak Mller, Inger Larsen, Knud Fontain, Jakobine Jonathansen.
Where is Dagmar Berthelsen based?
Dagmar Berthelsen works for Qeqqata, located at Estonia
See more information about Dagmar Berthelsen

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