Cyrus Mehta

Orthopaedics Doctor at St Vincent's Lismore

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+61 **** *** ***

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About Cyrus Mehta

Cyrus Mehta is an Orthopaedics Doctor at St Vincent's Lismore based in Lismore, New South Wales.Explore more

Cyrus Mehta Current Workplace

St Vincent's Lismore

2024-present (9 months)

St Vincents Lismore is an accredited acute surgical, medical, rehabilitation and palliative care hospital which provides a wide range of hospital services. The Hospital is committed to providing patients with quality health care in a warm and compassionate environment. From initial consultation to diagnosis, treatment and recovery, patients receive the best in hospital care from St Vincents highly qualified staff. There is no need to delay if surgery or medical care is required. Prompt admission to St Vincents Lismore is available to patients covered by private health insurance, the Department of Veterans Affairs and those who are self funding. Patients may be referred to St Vincents by their General Practitioner for medical treatment. St Vincents provides 24 hour medical staff cover to ensure the highest level of care. When you require surgery ask your doctor for admission to St Vincents Lismore. Our operating theatres are fully equipped to cater for major surgical procedures. LocatedSee more

Org Chart - St Vincent's Lismore


Orthopaedics Doctor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cyrus Mehta

What company does Cyrus Mehta work for?
Cyrus Mehta works for St Vincent's Lismore as Orthopaedics Doctor
What is Cyrus Mehta’s role in St Vincent's Lismore?
Cyrus Mehta’s role in St Vincent's Lismore is Orthopaedics Doctor
What is Cyrus Mehta’s direct phone number?
Cyrus Mehta’s direct phone number is +61 **** *** ***
What is Cyrus Mehta’s work phone number?
Cyrus Mehta’s headquarters phone number is +61 266279600
Which industry does Cyrus Mehta work in?
Cyrus Mehta works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Cyrus Mehta’s peers at other companies?
Cyrus Mehta’s peers at other companies are Shane Prodger, Anuwat Khadsongkram.
Who are Cyrus Mehta’s colleagues?
Some of Cyrus Mehta’s colleagues are Joe Churton, Bliegh Mupunga, Rob McCrossin, Tarnya Daniels.
Who is Cyrus Mehta?

Cyrus Mehta is an Orthopaedics Doctor at St Vincent's Lismore based in Lismore, New South Wales.... Read More

Where is Cyrus Mehta based?
Cyrus Mehta works for St Vincent's Lismore, located at Australia
See more information about Cyrus Mehta

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