Cristofer Monsivais Perez

Ingeniero De Laboratorio at Torrey Foundry

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Cristofer Monsivais Perez Work Experience Summary

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About Cristofer Monsivais Perez

Cristofer Monsivais Perez is an Ingeniero De Laboratorio at Torrey Foundry based in Guadalupe la Joya, Nuevo Leon.Explore more

Cristofer Monsivais Perez Current Workplace

Torrey Foundry

2023-present (1 year)

Founded in 1980 as FUNDICION TORREY S.A. de C.V. (FUTOSA), the company laid the foundations of Mexico´s modern industrial aluminum cast foundry era, and has continuously lead the field, not only from a technological standpoint, but also quality and service. By 1984 the growing company starts exporting quality aluminum casting to several customers in US with the facility to being close to the US border, near Laredo, TX, that made FUTOSA have quick response and speed delivery time to US costumers. The history of TORREY resumes the life's work of its team and attests to his core values, providing quality products and outstanding service to customers has kept our corporation growing since 1969 when established TOR-REY Industrial Group. Why Us ?

Cristofer Monsivais Perez Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Analista De Laboratorio

Laboratorio radson


Org Chart - Torrey Foundry


Ingeniero De Laboratorio




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cristofer Monsivais Perez

What company does Cristofer Monsivais Perez work for?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez works for Torrey Foundry as Ingeniero De Laboratorio
What is Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s role in Torrey Foundry?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s role in Torrey Foundry is Ingeniero De Laboratorio
What is Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s direct phone number?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s work phone number?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s headquarters phone number is +52 8183861373
What is Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s latest job experience?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s latest job experience is Analista De Laboratorio at Laboratorio radson
Which industry does Cristofer Monsivais Perez work in?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s peers at other companies?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s peers at other companies are Josue Janco, Imelda Córdova, Cristixn Leon, Ramiro Benevenia, Myriam Vilches.
Who are Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s colleagues?
Some of Cristofer Monsivais Perez’s colleagues are Amanda Treviño, Cristian Reyes, Diego Rodriguez, Valerio Olivera.
Who is Cristofer Monsivais Perez?

Cristofer Monsivais Perez is an Ingeniero De Laboratorio at Torrey Foundry based in Guadalupe la Joya, Nuevo Leon.... Read More

Where is Cristofer Monsivais Perez based?
Cristofer Monsivais Perez works for Torrey Foundry, located at Mexico
See more information about Cristofer Monsivais Perez

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