Craig TurlingtonA+

Craig Turlington

President at Mid-Atlantic Controls

Craig Turlington Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Craig Turlington Current Workplace


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Craig Turlington Work Experience Summary

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About Craig Turlington

Craig Turlington is the President at Mid-Atlantic Controls, a leading provider of industrial automation solutions. Responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and operations, Turlington brings a strong background in mechanical engineering, having earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree from Old Dominion University.Explore more

Craig Turlington Current Workplace

Mid-Atlantic Controls

1989-present (36 years)

Mid-Atlantic Controls Corporation (MACC) is an independent control systems contractor specializing in commercial and industrial facility automation systems. We provide multi-disciplinary automation solutions to corporate, institutional and industrial customers. We support, sell and service only open systems, which offer a combination of both BACnet and LONWorks/LonMark for Open Interoperability. This means that we are not tied to a specific manufacturer, but are able to provide the right system based on the automation needs, schedule and budget of our customers. For our customers, Interoperability means freedom and flexibility in selecting a control manufacturer, servicing their facility and expanding their system in the future. We provide turn-key solutions from engineering to installation to maintenance. Our track record of on time, quality controlled installations is impressive and reflects our commitment to self-perform all controls installation including electrical wiring. This prSee more

Craig Turlington Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Number of job titles



Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Old Dominion University

Org Chart - Mid-Atlantic Controls

Profile Picture






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Craig Turlington

What company does Craig Turlington work for?
Craig Turlington works for Mid-Atlantic Controls as President
What is Craig Turlington’s role in Mid-Atlantic Controls?
Craig Turlington’s role in Mid-Atlantic Controls is President
What is Craig Turlington’s email address?
Craig Turlington’s email address is c***
What is Craig Turlington’s business email address?
Craig Turlington’s business email address is c***
What is Craig Turlington’s direct phone number?
Craig Turlington’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Craig Turlington’s work phone number?
Craig Turlington’s headquarters phone number is (804) 262-4923
What is Craig Turlington’s latest education?
Craig Turlington’s latest education in Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at Old Dominion University
Which industry does Craig Turlington work in?
Craig Turlington works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Craig Turlington’s peers at other companies?
Craig Turlington’s peers at other companies are Meagan Kuhn, Kevin Ethington, Jerry Manning, Rick Caldevilla, Alex Hodge.
Who are Craig Turlington’s colleagues?
Some of Craig Turlington’s colleagues are Taylor Will, William Wells, Tyler Shultz, Scott Turlington.
How can I contact Craig Turlington?
Craig Turlington contact details: Email address: c*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Craig Turlington?

Craig Turlington is the President at Mid-Atlantic Controls, a leading provider of industrial automation solutions. Responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and operations, Turlington brings a strong background in mechanical engineering, having earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree from Old Dominion University.... Read More

Where is Craig Turlington based?
Craig Turlington works for Mid-Atlantic Controls, located at United States
Who is Mid-Atlantic Controls’s President?
Mid-Atlantic Controls's President is Craig Turlington
See more information about Craig Turlington

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