2009-present (16 years)
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Intellient-Management Team, RCDDs, PMPs
Craig L. Fuller , RCDD PMP President, CEO Craig Fuller is the founder and principal of Intellient . He is responsible for the operational directio...Intellient-Management Team, RCDDs, PMPs
Craig L. Fuller , RCDD PMP President, CEO Craig Fuller is the founder and principal of Intellient . He is responsible for the operational direction...San Diego International Airport Terminal 2 West Expansion
Mr. Craig Fuller and his San Diego based senior consultant Victor Tejera expect to be working on this project through 2013. Mr. Fuller recently comm...Technology Consultants | Program Management
The firm was founded in 1997 by Craig Fuller as Giga Technologies and recently rebranded as Intellient due to growth and expansion of our technology c...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Craig Fuller
Craig Fuller is a President & Chief Executive Officer at Intellient based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Previously, Craig was a Director, NCE, Pacific Region-Nmci Program at Electronic Data Systems and also held positions at 20th Century Studios, Amgen.... Read More