
Corinne Kanfi

Director, Finance at Rgc Coffee

Corinne Kanfi Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(514) ***-****

Corinne Kanfi Current Workplace


Rgc Coffee



Number of Employees

Corinne Kanfi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Corinne Kanfi

Corinne Kanfi is a Director, Finance at Rgc Coffee based in Westmount, Quebec. Previously, Corinne was a Vice President, Finance at Fiberlinks Textiles and also held positions at Luxury Men's Apparel Group, OVE Decors, Resolute Forest Products, Tommy Hilfiger, The Manufacturer, EY.Explore more

Corinne Kanfi Current Workplace

Rgc Coffee

2020-present (4 years)

RGC Coffee is a privately held corporation based in Montreal, Canada. The company focuses on the premium and specialty coffee markets offering roasters and retailers in-depth and independent expertise. Its subsidiary in Bogota Colombia, RGC Americas, oversees quality control, sustainability and logistics in Latin America, where current demands of coffee roasters mandate greater accountability on their supply chains and a stricter focus on quality and the movement of their coffees.

Corinne Kanfi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President, Finance

Fiberlinks Textiles


Vice President, Finance

Luxury Men's Apparel Group


Vice President, Finance & Chief Financial Officer

OVE Decors


Directrice, Rapports Financiers Externes

Resolute Forest Products


Org Chart - Rgc Coffee


Director, Finance




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Corinne Kanfi

What company does Corinne Kanfi work for?
Corinne Kanfi works for Rgc Coffee as Director, Finance
What is Corinne Kanfi’s role in Rgc Coffee?
Corinne Kanfi’s role in Rgc Coffee is Director, Finance
What is Corinne Kanfi’s email address?
Corinne Kanfi’s email address is c***@rgccoffee.com
What is Corinne Kanfi’s business email address?
Corinne Kanfi’s business email address is c***@rgccoffee.com
What is Corinne Kanfi’s direct phone number?
Corinne Kanfi’s direct phone number is (514) ***-****
What is Corinne Kanfi’s work phone number?
Corinne Kanfi’s headquarters phone number is (866) 845-1200
What is Corinne Kanfi’s latest job experience?
Corinne Kanfi’s latest job experience is Vice President, Finance at Fiberlinks Textiles
Which industry does Corinne Kanfi work in?
Corinne Kanfi works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Corinne Kanfi’s peers at other companies?
Corinne Kanfi’s peers at other companies are Dylan Squires, Phillip Postage, Norman Lynch, Brian Herx, Takashi Kato.
Who are Corinne Kanfi’s colleagues?
Some of Corinne Kanfi’s colleagues are Jeffrey Bernstein, Katya Yndigoyen, Jonathan Gabbay, Maria Calvo Martinez.
How can I contact Corinne Kanfi?
Corinne Kanfi contact details: Email address: c***@rgccoffee.com Phone number: (514) ***-****
Who is Corinne Kanfi?

Corinne Kanfi is a Director, Finance at Rgc Coffee based in Westmount, Quebec. Previously, Corinne was a Vice President, Finance at Fiberlinks Textiles and also held positions at Luxury Men's Apparel Group, OVE Decors, Resolute Forest Products, Tommy Hilfiger, The Manufacturer, EY.... Read More

Where is Corinne Kanfi based?
Corinne Kanfi works for Rgc Coffee, located at Canada
See more information about Corinne Kanfi

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