
Cody Kay

Associate General Counsel at Rural King

Cody Kay Email & Phone number


(217) ***-****

Cody Kay Current Workplace


Rural King


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Cody Kay Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Cody Kay

Cody Kay is an Associate General Counsel at Rural King based in Mattoon, Illinois. Previously, Cody was a Corporate Counsel at Rural King and also held positions at Illinois Attorney General, Brandenburg-Rees & Rees, Campus Property Management. Cody received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Southern Illinois University School of Law.

Cody Kay Current Workplace

Rural King

2022-present (3 years)

Rural King is a family-owned and operated farm supply store that offers a mix of products from clothing, housewares, and toys to livestock feed and farm equipment. Rural King is headquartered in Mattoon, Illinois.

Cody Kay Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Corporate Counsel

Rural King


Assistant Attorney General

Illinois Attorney General


Law Clerk

Brandenburg-Rees & Rees


Manager, Property

Campus Property Management




Bachelor of Science - Political Science

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Doctor of Jurisprudence

Southern Illinois University School of Law

Org Chart - Rural King

Cody Kay

Associate General Counsel

Intent on Cody Kay's Company


Interest in Cody Kay's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cody Kay

What company does Cody Kay work for?
Cody Kay works for Rural King as Associate General Counsel
What is Cody Kay’s role in Rural King?
Cody Kay’s role in Rural King is Associate General Counsel
What is Cody Kay’s email address?
Cody Kay’s email address is c***@ruralking.com
What is Cody Kay’s business email address?
Cody Kay’s business email address is c***@ruralking.com
What is Cody Kay’s direct phone number?
Cody Kay’s direct phone number is (217) ***-****
What is Cody Kay’s work phone number?
Cody Kay’s headquarters phone number is (217) 235-7101
What is Cody Kay’s latest job experience?
Cody Kay’s latest job experience is Corporate Counsel at Rural King
What is Cody Kay’s latest education?
Cody Kay’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Political Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Which industry does Cody Kay work in?
Cody Kay works in the industry of Home Improvement & Hardware Retail, Retail.
Who are Cody Kay’s peers at other companies?
Cody Kay’s peers at other companies are Patrick Tench, Michael Foley, Kristin Ray, Gabriela Sapia, Jordan Stanaway.
Who are Cody Kay’s colleagues?
Some of Cody Kay’s colleagues are Mallory Pond, John Heiserman, Aaron Novak, Preston Young.
How can I contact Cody Kay?
Cody Kay contact details: Email address: c***@ruralking.com Phone number: (217) ***-****
Who is Cody Kay?

Cody Kay is an Associate General Counsel at Rural King based in Mattoon, Illinois. Previously, Cody was a Corporate Counsel at Rural King and also held positions at Illinois Attorney General, Brandenburg-Rees & Rees, Campus Property Management. Cody received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Doctor... of Jurisprudence from Southern Illinois University School of Law.

Where is Cody Kay based?
Cody Kay works for Rural King, located at United States