
Clarence Weirauch

Supervisor, Maintenance at Liberty Center Local Schools

Clarence Weirauch Email & Phone number


(419) ***-****

Clarence Weirauch Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Clarence Weirauch

Clarence Weirauch is a Supervisor, Maintenance at Liberty Center Local Schools based in Liberty Center, Ohio.

Clarence Weirauch Current Workplace

Liberty Center Local Schools

2017-present (7 years)

Liberty Center Schools offers a district wireless solution that allows public and private access to the Internet while on campus. We have over 40 access points that allowed us to pilot an online test that helps us get ready for the PARCC tests that will be conducted all online starting next year. The wireless network has also given us the ability to multiple devices that only use a WiFi signal and do not have the ability to be wired into the network.

Org Chart - Liberty Center Local Schools

Clarence Weirauch

Supervisor, Maintenance

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Clarence Weirauch

What company does Clarence Weirauch work for?
Clarence Weirauch works for Liberty Center Local Schools as Supervisor, Maintenance
What is Clarence Weirauch’s role in Liberty Center Local Schools?
Clarence Weirauch’s role in Liberty Center Local Schools is Supervisor, Maintenance
What is Clarence Weirauch’s email address?
Clarence Weirauch’s email address is c***@libertycenterschools.org
What is Clarence Weirauch’s business email address?
Clarence Weirauch’s business email address is c***@libertycenterschools.org
What is Clarence Weirauch’s direct phone number?
Clarence Weirauch’s direct phone number is (419) ***-****
What is Clarence Weirauch’s work phone number?
Clarence Weirauch’s headquarters phone number is (419) 533-5011
Which industry does Clarence Weirauch work in?
Clarence Weirauch works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Clarence Weirauch’s peers at other companies?
Clarence Weirauch’s peers at other companies are Mark Andre, Jerry Glascock, Thomas Pratt, William Farmer, Marianne George.
Who are Clarence Weirauch’s colleagues?
Some of Clarence Weirauch’s colleagues are Sheri Stacey, Jeanette Saneholtz, Kristin Bauman, Dee-Ann Shafer.
How can I contact Clarence Weirauch?
Clarence Weirauch contact details: Email address: c***@libertycenterschools.org Phone number: (419) ***-****
Who is Clarence Weirauch?

Clarence Weirauch is a Supervisor, Maintenance at Liberty Center Local Schools based in Liberty Center, Ohio....

Where is Clarence Weirauch based?
Clarence Weirauch works for Liberty Center Local Schools, located at United States