1999-present (25 years)
Cindy Mabaso Email & Phone number
Cindy Mabaso Current Workplace
8 Indaba Ln, Krugersdorp, 2170, South Africa
+27 832839633
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Cindy Mabaso Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
14Number of job titles
2Last Update 12/18/2024 7:25 PM
About Cindy Mabaso
Cindy Mabaso works as a Managing Director at LAK HR Consulting, which is a Business Services company with an estimated 10 employees. Their management level is C-Level. Cindy graduated from their alma mater, LAK HR Consulting Ltd and is currently based in South Africa. They used to work at MultiChoice. Found email listings include: @lakhrconsulting.co.za.Explore more
Cindy Mabaso Current Workplace
LAK HR Consulting
The leaderships experience, reputation and ethics determine the standard of the organizations performance. In order to provide an effective service to all its clients, LAK H.R. Consulting (Pty) Ltd relies on the expertise of Black professionals who are assigned to projects as and when required. Founded in 1999, the company specialises in the following: Providing strategic Human Resources Best Practise Solutions Providing assessment for development purposes, emphasis is on emotional intelligence Aligning Human Resources Development initiatives with a consolidated Career Development approach Executive Search and Placement OUR MISSION
Cindy Mabaso Work Experience & Education
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Rusted Keys Don't Work | Products | , Gauteng, , Centurion | AmanziMtoti Christian Bookshop
Cindy Mabaso , the author is a firm believer of ALL possibilities because her God is one of impossibilities. Cindy Mabaso is an MBA graduate from St...Rusted Keys Don't Work | Products | , Gauteng, , Centurion | AmanziMtoti Christian Bookshop
Cindy Mabaso , the author is a firm believer of ALL possibilities because her God is one of impossibilities. Cindy Mabaso is an MBA graduate from Ste...
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