Chung Au

Program Manager, NPI & Project Status at Applied Materials

Chung Au Email & Phone number


(408) ***-****

Chung Au Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Chung Au Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Chung Au

Chung Au is a Program Manager, NPI & Project Status at Applied Materials based in Santa Clara, California. Previously, Chung was a Global Program Manager, Supply Chain at JUUL Labs and also held positions at SuperMicro, Everwin Usa, Alphanetworks.

Chung Au Current Workplace

Applied Materials

2020-present (5 years)

Applied Materials, Inc. engages in the provision of manufacturing equipment, services, and software to the semiconductor, display, and related industries. The company operates through three segments: Semiconductor Systems, Applied Global Services, and Display and Adjacent Markets. The Semiconductor Systems segment develops, manufactures, and sells various manufacturing equipment that is used to fabricate semiconductor chips or integrated circuits. This segment also offers various technologies, including epitaxy, ion implantation, oxidation/nitridation, rapid thermal processing, physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, chemical mechanical planarization, electrochemical deposition, atomic layer deposition, etching, and selective deposition and removal, as well as metrology and inspection tools. The Applied Global Services segment provides integrated solutions to optimize equipment and fab performance and productivity comprising spares, upgrades, services, remanufactured earlSee more

Chung Au Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Global Program Manager, Supply Chain



Program Manager



Account Manager

Everwin Usa


Business Account Manager



Org Chart - Applied Materials

Chung Au

Program Manager, NPI & Project Stat...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chung Au

What company does Chung Au work for?
Chung Au works for Applied Materials as Program Manager, NPI & Project Status
What is Chung Au’s role in Applied Materials?
Chung Au’s role in Applied Materials is Program Manager, NPI & Project Status
What is Chung Au’s email address?
Chung Au’s email address is a***@amat.com
What is Chung Au’s business email address?
Chung Au’s business email address is a***@amat.com
What is Chung Au’s direct phone number?
Chung Au’s direct phone number is (408) ***-****
What is Chung Au’s work phone number?
Chung Au’s headquarters phone number is (408) 727-5555
What is Chung Au’s latest job experience?
Chung Au’s latest job experience is Global Program Manager, Supply Chain at JUUL Labs
Which industry does Chung Au work in?
Chung Au works in the industry of Electronics, Manufacturing.
Who are Chung Au’s colleagues?
Some of Chung Au’s colleagues are Isabelle Hwang, Xiaoqiu Ning, Rhonita Goulet, Weilai Wu.
How can I contact Chung Au?
Chung Au contact details: Email address: a***@amat.com Phone number: (408) ***-****
Who is Chung Au?

Chung Au is a Program Manager, NPI & Project Status at Applied Materials based in Santa Clara, California. Previously, Chung was a Global Program Manager, Supply Chain at JUUL Labs and also held positions at SuperMicro, Everwin Usa, Alphanetworks....

Where is Chung Au based?
Chung Au works for Applied Materials, located at United States