
Christy Van Alstine

Customer Service Representative at Taconic

Christy Van Alstine Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Christy Van Alstine Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Christy Van Alstine

Christy Van Alstine is a Customer Service Representative at Taconic based in Petersburg, New York.

Christy Van Alstine Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

Lester T. Russell, the acknowledged inventory of the process for applying PTFE to fiberglass fabric, founded Taconic in 1961. Over 50 years of innovation.

Org Chart - Taconic

Christy Van Alstine

Customer Service Representative

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christy Van Alstine

What company does Christy Van Alstine work for?
Christy Van Alstine works for Taconic as Customer Service Representative
What is Christy Van Alstine’s role in Taconic?
Christy Van Alstine’s role in Taconic is Customer Service Representative
What is Christy Van Alstine’s email address?
Christy Van Alstine’s email address is c***@4taconic.com
What is Christy Van Alstine’s business email address?
Christy Van Alstine’s business email address is c***@4taconic.com
What is Christy Van Alstine’s direct phone number?
Christy Van Alstine’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Christy Van Alstine’s work phone number?
Christy Van Alstine’s headquarters phone number is (800) 833-1805
Which industry does Christy Van Alstine work in?
Christy Van Alstine works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Christy Van Alstine’s peers at other companies?
Christy Van Alstine’s peers at other companies are Vickey Roberts, Tabatha Atkins, Arly Campos, Esmeralda Castro, Brittany Alberts.
Who are Christy Van Alstine’s colleagues?
Some of Christy Van Alstine’s colleagues are Heather St. Hilaire, Sharon Harrington, Nancy Rawling, Dawn MacVeigh.
How can I contact Christy Van Alstine?
Christy Van Alstine contact details: Email address: c***@4taconic.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Christy Van Alstine?

Christy Van Alstine is a Customer Service Representative at Taconic based in Petersburg, New York....

Where is Christy Van Alstine based?
Christy Van Alstine works for Taconic, located at United States