Christopher Lang

Supervisor, Production at MCM Composites

Christopher Lang Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Christopher Lang Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Christopher Lang Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Christopher Lang

Christopher Lang is a Supervisor, Production at MCM Composites based in Manitowoc, United States. Prior to his current role, he held the position of Supervisor, Production & Process Improvement at Color Craft Graphic Arts. Lang holds an Associate of Supervisory Management degree from Lakeshore Technical College.Explore more

Christopher Lang Current Workplace

MCM Composites

2023-present (2 years)

MCM Composites, LLC specializes in manufacturing thermoset injection molded parts, especially suited for the electronics and appliance industries. Through precision injection molding, we produce intricate as well as large parts made from phenolics, alkyds, polyester (both BMC and SMC), carbon fiber compounds, and composite material. The weight of these parts ranges from 0.1 grams to 10 pounds. Our custom mold shop is equipped with a range of electrical and hydraulic injection molding presses with tonnage capacities ranging from 75 tons to 500 tons. These molding presses are equipped with degas sequence, gate cut sequence, core pull, and runnerless injection compression systems. MCM's manufacturing plant also houses a quality lab, tool repair shop, plus cool room for storing perishable raw materials and customers' molds. Our fully equipped tool shop enables us to design unique tools to create molds as well as offer repair and maintenance services for customers' molds. We work in conjuncSee more

Christopher Lang Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Supervisor, Production & Process Improvement

Color Craft Graphic Arts


Packaging Supervisor

Cher-Make Sausage


Front-line Supervisor



Supervisor, Production

Federal Mogul




Associate of Supervisory Management - 3.75GPA

Lakeshore Technical College

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management - General, 3.75GPA- graduated with high honors

Silver Lake College

Org Chart - MCM Composites


Supervisor, Production




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christopher Lang

What company does Christopher Lang work for?
Christopher Lang works for MCM Composites as Supervisor, Production
What is Christopher Lang’s role in MCM Composites?
Christopher Lang’s role in MCM Composites is Supervisor, Production
What is Christopher Lang’s email address?
Christopher Lang’s email address is c***@mcmusa.net
What is Christopher Lang’s business email address?
Christopher Lang’s business email address is c***@mcmusa.net
What is Christopher Lang’s direct phone number?
Christopher Lang’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Christopher Lang’s work phone number?
Christopher Lang’s headquarters phone number is (920) 684-7800
What is Christopher Lang’s latest job experience?
Christopher Lang’s latest job experience is Supervisor, Production & Process Improvement at Color Craft Graphic Arts
What is Christopher Lang’s latest education?
Christopher Lang’s latest education in Associate of Supervisory Management - 3.75GPA at Lakeshore Technical College
Which industry does Christopher Lang work in?
Christopher Lang works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are Christopher Lang’s peers at other companies?
Christopher Lang’s peers at other companies are Art Soriano, James Scott, Andrew Irwin, Jorge Valencia, Richard Wood.
Who are Christopher Lang’s colleagues?
Some of Christopher Lang’s colleagues are Karen Carstens, Todd Kocher, Keith Brzezinski, Jacob Moran.
How can I contact Christopher Lang?
Christopher Lang contact details: Email address: c***@mcmusa.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Christopher Lang?

Christopher Lang is a Supervisor, Production at MCM Composites based in Manitowoc, United States. Prior to his current role, he held the position of Supervisor, Production & Process Improvement at Color Craft Graphic Arts. Lang holds an Associate of Supervisory Management degree from Lakeshore Technical College.... Read More

Where is Christopher Lang based?
Christopher Lang works for MCM Composites, located at United States
See more information about Christopher Lang

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