
Christopher Burkhart

Program Manager, Aviation at U.S. Air Force

Christopher Burkhart Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Christopher Burkhart Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Christopher Burkhart Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Christopher Burkhart

Christopher Burkhart is a Program Manager, Aviation at U.S. Air Force based in Washington, District of Columbia. Previously, Christopher was a F-35 Assistant Crew Chief at U.S. Air Force and also held positions at Miwall. Christopher received a High School degree from Nevada Union High School.

Christopher Burkhart Current Workplace

U.S. Air Force

2016-present (9 years)

The U.S. Air Force is a military service branch organized within the Department of the Air Force, one of the three military departments of the Department of Defense. The Air Force, through the Department of the Air Force, is headed by the civilian Secretary of the Air Force, who reports to the Secretary of Defense, and is appointed by the President with Senate confirmation.

Christopher Burkhart Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

F-35 Assistant Crew Chief

U.S. Air Force


F-16 Assistant Crew Chief

U.S. Air Force


Program Lead





High School

Nevada Union High School

Org Chart - U.S. Air Force

Christopher Burkhar...

Program Manager, Aviation

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christopher Burkhart

What company does Christopher Burkhart work for?
Christopher Burkhart works for U.S. Air Force as Program Manager, Aviation
What is Christopher Burkhart’s role in U.S. Air Force?
Christopher Burkhart’s role in U.S. Air Force is Program Manager, Aviation
What is Christopher Burkhart’s direct phone number?
Christopher Burkhart’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Christopher Burkhart’s work phone number?
Christopher Burkhart’s headquarters phone number is (703) 697-6061
What is Christopher Burkhart’s latest job experience?
Christopher Burkhart’s latest job experience is F-35 Assistant Crew Chief at U.S. Air Force
What is Christopher Burkhart’s latest education?
Christopher Burkhart’s latest education in High School at Nevada Union High School
Which industry does Christopher Burkhart work in?
Christopher Burkhart works in the industry of Government.
Who are Christopher Burkhart’s peers at other companies?
Christopher Burkhart’s peers at other companies are Stephen Petras, Donis Waters, Walter Perron, Gary James.
Who are Christopher Burkhart’s colleagues?
Some of Christopher Burkhart’s colleagues are Carol Fortin, Trystan Swan, Sh'Elbie Nelson, Hector Riojas.
Who is Christopher Burkhart?

Christopher Burkhart is a Program Manager, Aviation at U.S. Air Force based in Washington, District of Columbia. Previously, Christopher was a F-35 Assistant Crew Chief at U.S. Air Force and also held positions at Miwall. Christopher received a High School degree from Nevada Union High School....

Where is Christopher Burkhart based?
Christopher Burkhart works for U.S. Air Force, located at United States