Christine Geffen

HR Generalist at UNCLE Credit Union

Christine Geffen Email & Phone number


(925) ***-****

Christine Geffen Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Christine Geffen

Christine Geffen is a HR Generalist at UNCLE Credit Union based in Livermore, California.

Christine Geffen Current Workplace

UNCLE Credit Union

2020-present (5 years)

UNCLE Credit Union - Become a Member and start taking advantage of all the benefits of UNCLE membership! UNCLE Financial Center, an ATM, or a Shared Branch

Org Chart - UNCLE Credit Union

Christine Geffen

HR Generalist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christine Geffen

What company does Christine Geffen work for?
Christine Geffen works for UNCLE Credit Union as HR Generalist
What is Christine Geffen’s role in UNCLE Credit Union?
Christine Geffen’s role in UNCLE Credit Union is HR Generalist
What is Christine Geffen’s email address?
Christine Geffen’s email address is c***@unclecu.org
What is Christine Geffen’s business email address?
Christine Geffen’s business email address is c***@unclecu.org
What is Christine Geffen’s direct phone number?
Christine Geffen’s direct phone number is (925) ***-****
What is Christine Geffen’s work phone number?
Christine Geffen’s headquarters phone number is (925) 447-5001
Which industry does Christine Geffen work in?
Christine Geffen works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Christine Geffen’s peers at other companies?
Christine Geffen’s peers at other companies are Jessica Ott, Cheryl Koch, Kelsie Barrett, Regina Silva, Cole Brumby.
Who are Christine Geffen’s colleagues?
Some of Christine Geffen’s colleagues are Elizabeth Robinson, Cody Fawbush, Ruby Flores, Christine Jeffrey.
How can I contact Christine Geffen?
Christine Geffen contact details: Email address: c***@unclecu.org Phone number: (925) ***-****
Who is Christine Geffen?

Christine Geffen is a HR Generalist at UNCLE Credit Union based in Livermore, California....

Where is Christine Geffen based?
Christine Geffen works for UNCLE Credit Union, located at United States