2021-present (4 years)
Christine Christine Email & Phone number
Christine Christine Current Workplace
3976 Il Rte 22 Ste F, Long Grove, Illinois, 60047, United States
Phone Number
(847) 847-1365
Number of Employees
Christine Christine Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
1Last Update 1/13/2025 8:38 PM
About Christine Christine
Christine Christine is a Special Educator at Just Bee Yoga based in Long Grove, Illinois.
Christine received a BFA degree from University of Illinois.
Christine Christine Current Workplace
Just Bee Yoga
Just Bee Yoga evolved from two of my greatest passions: yoga and nature. I've always been fascinated by the dance of the bee and the role bees play in nature. For me, the bee represents love. The bee spreads its pollen from one flower to another to sustain life. The word yoga means to connect mind, body and spirit. Like the bees, we have the opportunity to connect with one another to love and sustain our spiritual humanity. The pollination process also symbolizes our social nature. Bees live and work as a community within their hive. My vision for Just Bee Yoga is to create a nurturing environment for people to Bee who they are, without judgement. I truly believe that we all have the power to inspire each other to strive to Bee the best that they can Bee. As a hive, let's give back and let our actions serve others. It was important for me to create a space that reflects nature and its elements. In nature we can accept things just as they are, without judgement. We can take this same apSee more
Christine Christine Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
BFA - Dance
University of IllinoisRecent News About Christine Christine
Web References
Our Staff - Just Bee Yoga
Christine Stock RYT Christine has been teaching in the area for over 16 years. She received her RYT-200 from Lotus Yoga Teachers Association in 2003 u...Our Staff - Just Bee Yoga
Christine Stock RYT Christine has been teaching in the area for over 16 years. She received her RYT-200 from Lotus Yoga Teachers Association in 2003 u...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christine Christine
Christine Christine is a Special Educator at Just Bee Yoga based in Long Grove, Illinois. Christine received a BFA degree from University of Illinois....