Christine Breault

Director at Hope Heals

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Hope Heals



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About Christine Breault

Christine Breault is a Director at Hope Heals based in Atlanta, Georgia.Explore more

Christine Breault Current Workplace

Hope Heals

2016-present (9 years)

We all have invisible wheelchairs. At first glance, our story seems exceptional. Without warning, our lives took a detour so sharp and unexpected that few people should be able to relate. Katherine now lives with disabilities, and we've earned hard won wisdom that seeminly places us in a category of our own. But if we've learned anything in our second-chance life, it's that the most personal stories are actually the most universal. Who among us feels fully free, even when he can walk on his own? Who feels truly beautiful, even when her face is not paralyzed? Who feels completely understood, even without a speech impairment? The answer is a resounding no one. We are all disabled. Some of our "wheelchairs" are simply on the inside instead of the outside. If you have a pulse, you have problems and you have pain. But you also have a purpose that is simultaneously good and hard. When we choose to embrace the lives were living this very day and release the lives we wished for, we can know inSee more

Org Chart - Hope Heals






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christine Breault

What company does Christine Breault work for?
Christine Breault works for Hope Heals as Director
What is Christine Breault’s role in Hope Heals?
Christine Breault’s role in Hope Heals is Director
What is Christine Breault’s direct phone number?
Christine Breault’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Christine Breault’s work phone number?
Christine Breault’s headquarters phone number is (310) 621-5529
Which industry does Christine Breault work in?
Christine Breault works in the industry of Information & Document Management, Business Services.
Who are Christine Breault’s peers at other companies?
Christine Breault’s peers at other companies are Randy Escue, Michael Boots, Rob Thompson, Maury Beck, Josip Mladenic.
Who are Christine Breault’s colleagues?
Some of Christine Breault’s colleagues are Katherine Wolf, Jeremy Fisher, Caroline Young, Alex Wolf.
Who is Christine Breault?

Christine Breault is a Director at Hope Heals based in Atlanta, Georgia.... Read More

Where is Christine Breault based?
Christine Breault works for Hope Heals, located at United States
See more information about Christine Breault

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