
Christina Turlington

Nurse Case Manager at Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc

Christina Turlington Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(540) ***-****

Christina Turlington Current Workplace


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Christina Turlington Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Christina Turlington

Christina Turlington is a Nurse Case Manager at Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc based in Roanoke, Virginia. Previously, Christina was a Nurse Case Manager at First Rehabilitation Resources. Christina received a Associate of Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse degree from College of Southern Maryland and a Bachelor of Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse from University of Phoenix.Explore more

Christina Turlington Current Workplace

Professional Rehabilitative Options, Inc. provides Case Management Services for Short Term (STD) and Long Term (LTD) Disability claims. Progressive short- and long-term disability Case Management services designed to ensure claims are handled according to the terms of your disability plan. When an employee's illness or injury results in short or long term disability, PRO, Inc. can assist the Human Resource staff with Case Management services. We can help control costs associated with an employee's time out of work due to injury or illness absence according to your company's disability policies. PRO, Inc. will manage the medical and vocational aspects until the employee returns to gainful employment, which is positive for both employee and employer. The on-going case management of employees is initiated as soon as the claim is referred to PRO, Inc. We will assist the employee in returning to work in their own occupation, a modified permanent position or transition to new employment. PROSee more

Christina Turlington Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Nurse Case Manager

First Rehabilitation Resources




Associate of Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

College of Southern Maryland

Bachelor of Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

University of Phoenix

Org Chart - Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc


Nurse Case Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christina Turlington

What company does Christina Turlington work for?
Christina Turlington works for Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc as Nurse Case Manager
What is Christina Turlington’s role in Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc?
Christina Turlington’s role in Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc is Nurse Case Manager
What is Christina Turlington’s email address?
Christina Turlington’s email address is c***@letprohelp.com
What is Christina Turlington’s business email address?
Christina Turlington’s business email address is c***@letprohelp.com
What is Christina Turlington’s direct phone number?
Christina Turlington’s direct phone number is (540) ***-****
What is Christina Turlington’s work phone number?
Christina Turlington’s headquarters phone number is (888) 257-0518
What is Christina Turlington’s latest job experience?
Christina Turlington’s latest job experience is Nurse Case Manager at First Rehabilitation Resources
What is Christina Turlington’s latest education?
Christina Turlington’s latest education in Associate of Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse at College of Southern Maryland
Which industry does Christina Turlington work in?
Christina Turlington works in the industry of Information & Document Management, Business Services.
Who are Christina Turlington’s peers at other companies?
Christina Turlington’s peers at other companies are Janette Nistor, Melanie Mercadal, Karen Kofoet, Linda Brega.
Who are Christina Turlington’s colleagues?
Some of Christina Turlington’s colleagues are Josely Parada, Louisiana Brown, Beth Cranston, Cathie Farrell.
How can I contact Christina Turlington?
Christina Turlington contact details: Email address: c***@letprohelp.com Phone number: (540) ***-****
Who is Christina Turlington?

Christina Turlington is a Nurse Case Manager at Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc based in Roanoke, Virginia. Previously, Christina was a Nurse Case Manager at First Rehabilitation Resources. Christina received a Associate of Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse degree from College of Southern Maryland and a Bachelor of Registered Nursing/Re... gistered Nurse from University of Phoenix.Read More

Where is Christina Turlington based?
Christina Turlington works for Professional Rehabilitative Options Inc, located at United States
See more information about Christina Turlington

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