Christian Senn

Creative Director & Game Designer at Senntertain

Christian Senn Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Christian Senn Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Christian Senn Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Christian Senn

Christian Senn is a Creative Director & Game Designer at Senntertain based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Christian was a Director, Design at Bionic Games and also held positions at Pixelcraft Studio, North Shore Therapeutics, AppliedVR, Turbo Button, Senntertain, Reverge Studios, Big Red Button Entertainment, Magic Pixel Games, Activision Blizzard, Pixologic, SEGA, Malibu Interactive.

Christian Senn Current Workplace


2016-present (9 years)

Senntertain is dedicated to the creation of strange and charming entertainment through images, games, songs, videos, and more. They offer a collection of games, images, videos, and music that highlight their creative sensibilities, game design, and branding. Senntertain's target audience includes individuals looking for unique and captivating entertainment experiences.

Christian Senn Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Game and Art Director

Pixelcraft Studio


Creative Director

North Shore Therapeutics


Creative Director & Lead Game Designer



Game Designer

Turbo Button


Org Chart - Senntertain

Christian Senn

Creative Director & Game Designer

Recent News About Christian Senn

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christian Senn

What company does Christian Senn work for?
Christian Senn works for Senntertain as Creative Director & Game Designer
What is Christian Senn’s role in Senntertain?
Christian Senn’s role in Senntertain is Creative Director & Game Designer
What is Christian Senn’s email address?
Christian Senn’s email address is c***@senntertain.com
What is Christian Senn’s business email address?
Christian Senn’s business email address is c***@senntertain.com
What is Christian Senn’s direct phone number?
Christian Senn’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Christian Senn’s work phone number?
Christian Senn’s headquarters phone number is (844) 386-3861
What is Christian Senn’s latest job experience?
Christian Senn’s latest job experience is Game and Art Director at Pixelcraft Studio
Which industry does Christian Senn work in?
Christian Senn works in the industry of Toys & Games, Retail.
Who are Christian Senn’s peers at other companies?
Christian Senn’s peers at other companies are Nico Valdivia.
Who are Christian Senn’s colleagues?
Some of Christian Senn’s colleagues are Dan Lemcke.
How can I contact Christian Senn?
Christian Senn contact details: Email address: c***@senntertain.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Christian Senn?

Christian Senn is a Creative Director & Game Designer at Senntertain based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Christian was a Director, Design at Bionic Games and also held positions at Pixelcraft Studio, North Shore Therapeutics, AppliedVR, Turbo Button, Senntertain, Reverge Studios, Big Red Button Entertainment, Magic Pixel Games, Activisio... n Blizzard, Pixologic, SEGA, Malibu Interactive.

Where is Christian Senn based?
Christian Senn works for Senntertain, located at United States