
Christi McBride

Senior Business Consultant at Paychex

Christi McBride Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Christi McBride Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Christi McBride Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Christi McBride

Christi McBride is a Senior Business Consultant at Paychex based in Rochester, New York. Previously, Christi was a Solutions Specialist at Kareo and also held positions at Compulink Healthcare Solutions, Realtor.com, Pacific Office Interiors, ACN Opportunity.

Christi McBride Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

Paychex, Inc is a leading provider of integrated human capital management solutions for payroll, benefits, human resources, and insurance services. Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Rochester, New York.

Christi McBride Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Solutions Specialist



Regional Sales Consultant

Compulink Healthcare Solutions


Senior Account Executive



Business Development

Pacific Office Interiors


Org Chart - Paychex

Christi McBride

Senior Business Consultant

Intent on Christi McBride's Company


Interest in Christi McBride's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christi McBride

What company does Christi McBride work for?
Christi McBride works for Paychex as Senior Business Consultant
What is Christi McBride’s role in Paychex?
Christi McBride’s role in Paychex is Senior Business Consultant
What is Christi McBride’s email address?
Christi McBride’s email address is c***@paychex.com
What is Christi McBride’s business email address?
Christi McBride’s business email address is c***@paychex.com
What is Christi McBride’s direct phone number?
Christi McBride’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Christi McBride’s work phone number?
Christi McBride’s headquarters phone number is (585) 385-6666
What is Christi McBride’s latest job experience?
Christi McBride’s latest job experience is Solutions Specialist at Kareo
Which industry does Christi McBride work in?
Christi McBride works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Christi McBride’s peers at other companies?
Christi McBride’s peers at other companies are Stephen Rubbinaccio, Aniket Gupta, Ankit Pattanayak, Christopher Amidzich, Jesse Hellman.
Who are Christi McBride’s colleagues?
Some of Christi McBride’s colleagues are Emily Galens, Paige Anstey, Melissa Brown, Ricki Cooper.
How can I contact Christi McBride?
Christi McBride contact details: Email address: c***@paychex.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Christi McBride?

Christi McBride is a Senior Business Consultant at Paychex based in Rochester, New York. Previously, Christi was a Solutions Specialist at Kareo and also held positions at Compulink Healthcare Solutions, Realtor.com, Pacific Office Interiors, ACN Opportunity....

Where is Christi McBride based?
Christi McBride works for Paychex, located at United States