2024-present (3 months)
Christa Houth
Clinical Supervisor at Holding Hands
Christa Houth Email & Phone number
Christa Houth Current Workplace
5000 Parkway Calabasas Ste 103, Calabasas, California, 91302, United States
Phone Number
(818) 869-2237
Number of Employees
Christa Houth Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
5About Christa Houth
Christa Houth is a Clinical Supervisor at Holding Hands based in Calabasas, California.
Previously, Christa was a Clinical Supervisor at Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) and also held positions at Theraplay, Inc.
Christa received a Bachelor of Human Development degree from California State University-Long Beach and a Master of Applied Behavior Analysis from Florida Institute of Technology.
Christa Houth Current Workplace
Holding Hands
As a multidisciplinary clinic, Holding Hands serves infants, children, adolescents and adults with developmental, neurological and biological diagnoses. Our clinical team focuses on the child's strengths and individual difference while developing an intervention plan that addresses his or her unique profile. Our clinical team fosters a relationship not only with the client, but educates, empowers and supports the entire family unit. Holding Hands is a community based outpatient clinic serving children, families and adults. Holding Hands is a Non-Public Agency (NPA) certified with state of California and contracted with California Regional Centers, Insurance Agencies. We also provide services on a sliding scale for those who are financially impacted, and have no other resources to obtain services. Depending on the type of service and the funding source, our clinical team can provide therapy in our centers, in your home, community and schools.
Christa Houth Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christa Houth
Christa Houth is a Clinical Supervisor at Holding Hands based in Calabasas, California. Previously, Christa was a Clinical Supervisor at Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) and also held positions at Theraplay, Inc. Christa received a Bachelor of Human Development degree from California State University-Long Beach and a Master of Appli...