Chirag Panchal

Shift Engineer at Poly Tanks (Gh

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Chirag Panchal Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Chirag Panchal

Chirag Panchal is a Production Senior Engineer at Tata AutoComp Systems based in A.R. Shala, Maharashtra. Previously, Chirag was a Senior Production Engineer at Sintex Plastics Technology and also held positions at Alkegen, MMTC-PAMP India Pvt, Tokai Rubber Industries Ltd (5191, Supreme Group, Modison Metals, Nilkamal, Sintex IndustriesLimited.Explore more

Chirag Panchal Current Workplace

Poly Tanks (Gh

2023-present (1 year)

Polytank Ghana Limited is the largest and leading manufacturer of on-the-ground and over-head plastic water storage tanks in Ghana. Water is a scarce resource and prudent storage has become very crucial and this is where Polytank Ghana Limited plays an important role. Polytank Ghana Limited is diversified with a widespread product range that is recognized throughout the industry as the finest available. Polytank Ghana Limited was established in 1992 and was the first to introduce large rotational moulded water storage tanks into Ghana. Polytank Ghana Limited has many "firsts" in products such as dustbins, traffic cones, promotional kiosks, industrial containers, plastic septic tanks, and plastic pallets. Polytank Ghana Limited commands an enviable reputation in the Ghanaian business scene for being one of the leading producers of water tanks in Africa. Polytank Ghana Limited has become a pacesetter in the Plastic Water Storage Tanks Industry not only in Ghana but the whole of Africa. PSee more

Chirag Panchal Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Production Engineer

Sintex BAPL


Production Engineer

Global anti corrosion techniques co Ltd


Production Engineer

Sintex BAPL


Production Engineer

Munanoor Plastic Industries LLC.


Org Chart - Poly Tanks (Gh


Shift Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chirag Panchal

What company does Chirag Panchal work for?
Chirag Panchal works for Poly Tanks (Gh as Shift Engineer
What is Chirag Panchal’s role in Poly Tanks (Gh?
Chirag Panchal’s role in Poly Tanks (Gh is Shift Engineer
What is Chirag Panchal’s direct phone number?
Chirag Panchal’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Chirag Panchal’s work phone number?
Chirag Panchal’s headquarters phone number is +233 302811576
What is Chirag Panchal’s latest job experience?
Chirag Panchal’s latest job experience is Senior Production Engineer at Sintex BAPL
Which industry does Chirag Panchal work in?
Chirag Panchal works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are Chirag Panchal’s peers at other companies?
Chirag Panchal’s peers at other companies are Swadhin Mohapatra, Deepak Rai, Munesh Baghel, Rahul Deshmane, Abram Choe.
Who are Chirag Panchal’s colleagues?
Some of Chirag Panchal’s colleagues are Richard Agyekum, Chandan Kumar, Sahil Vyas, Arun Ramachandran.
Who is Chirag Panchal?

Chirag Panchal is a Production Senior Engineer at Tata AutoComp Systems based in A.R. Shala, Maharashtra. Previously, Chirag was a Senior Production Engineer at Sintex Plastics Technology and also held positions at Alkegen, MMTC-PAMP India Pvt, Tokai Rubber Industries Ltd (5191, Supreme Group, Modison Metals, Nilkamal, Sintex IndustriesLimited.... Read More

Where is Chirag Panchal based?
Chirag Panchal works for Poly Tanks (Gh, located at Ghana
See more information about Chirag Panchal

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