
Chelsie Bobbitt

Admin and Education Coordinator at Alleghany

Chelsie Bobbitt Email & Phone number

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(336) ***-****

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About Chelsie Bobbitt

Chelsie Bobbitt is an Admin and Education Coordinator at Alleghany based in Sparta, North Carolina.Explore more

Chelsie Bobbitt Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

Alleghany County, North Carolina, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Northwestern North Carolina, aims to preserve its county's qualities while advancing with technology and economic development. With a blend of small-town charm and Southern atmosphere, Alleghany County offers a delightful environment for living, working, and relaxation. The county's website serves as a user-friendly resource filled with information about the local government. Alleghany County caters to residents, tourists, and visitors seeking a picturesque and welcoming escape in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Org Chart - Alleghany


Admin and Education Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chelsie Bobbitt

What company does Chelsie Bobbitt work for?
Chelsie Bobbitt works for Alleghany as Admin and Education Coordinator
What is Chelsie Bobbitt’s role in Alleghany?
Chelsie Bobbitt’s role in Alleghany is Admin and Education Coordinator
What is Chelsie Bobbitt’s email address?
Chelsie Bobbitt’s email address is c***@alleghanycounty-nc.gov
What is Chelsie Bobbitt’s business email address?
Chelsie Bobbitt’s business email address is c***@alleghanycounty-nc.gov
What is Chelsie Bobbitt’s direct phone number?
Chelsie Bobbitt’s direct phone number is (336) ***-****
What is Chelsie Bobbitt’s work phone number?
Chelsie Bobbitt’s headquarters phone number is (336) 372-2411
Which industry does Chelsie Bobbitt work in?
Chelsie Bobbitt works in the industry of Government.
Who are Chelsie Bobbitt’s colleagues?
Some of Chelsie Bobbitt’s colleagues are Jeff Chandler, Travis Dalton, Robin Hamilton, Randy Murphy.
How can I contact Chelsie Bobbitt?
Chelsie Bobbitt contact details: Email address: c***@alleghanycounty-nc.gov Phone number: (336) ***-****
Who is Chelsie Bobbitt?

Chelsie Bobbitt is an Admin and Education Coordinator at Alleghany based in Sparta, North Carolina.... Read More

Where is Chelsie Bobbitt based?
Chelsie Bobbitt works for Alleghany, located at United States
See more information about Chelsie Bobbitt

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