Chelsea Wisner

Project Manager, Land Protection at Conservation Florida

Chelsea Wisner Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Chelsea Wisner Current Workplace


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Chelsea Wisner Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Chelsea Wisner

Chelsea Wisner is a Project Manager, Land Protection at Conservation Florida based in Gainesville, Florida. Previously, Chelsea was a Senior Project Manager, Ecologist at Common Ground Ecology and also held positions at Archbold Biological Station, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, USGS, Utah State University, Avian Research and Conservation Institute, University of North Dakota, Canisius College, Cape May County Park & Zoo, Aquarium of Niagara. Chelsea received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from Canisius College.Explore more

Chelsea Wisner Current Workplace

Conservation Florida

2023-present (1 year)

Conservation Florida is a statewide accredited land trust dedicated to protecting Florida's natural and agricultural landscapes for future generations, with a primary focus on safeguarding the Florida Wildlife Corridor. They work to save land for nature and people, ensuring the preservation of water, native plants, animals, and outdoor recreational areas. Their conservation efforts span over 100,000 acres across the state, aiming to connect and protect vital wildlife habitats. Conservation Florida invites individuals to join them in protecting Florida's paradise by supporting their initiatives and engaging in land conservation activities.

Chelsea Wisner Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Project Manager, Ecologist

Common Ground Ecology


Conservation Ecologist

Common Ground Ecology


Research Assistant

Archbold Biological Station




Bachelor of Science degree

Canisius College

Org Chart - Conservation Florida


Project Manager, Land Protection




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chelsea Wisner

What company does Chelsea Wisner work for?
Chelsea Wisner works for Conservation Florida as Project Manager, Land Protection
What is Chelsea Wisner’s role in Conservation Florida?
Chelsea Wisner’s role in Conservation Florida is Project Manager, Land Protection
What is Chelsea Wisner’s direct phone number?
Chelsea Wisner’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Chelsea Wisner’s work phone number?
Chelsea Wisner’s headquarters phone number is (352) 376-4770
What is Chelsea Wisner’s latest job experience?
Chelsea Wisner’s latest job experience is Senior Project Manager, Ecologist at Common Ground Ecology
What is Chelsea Wisner’s latest education?
Chelsea Wisner’s latest education in Bachelor of Science degree at Canisius College
Which industry does Chelsea Wisner work in?
Chelsea Wisner works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Chelsea Wisner’s colleagues?
Some of Chelsea Wisner’s colleagues are Taylor Smith, Traci Dean, Jay Shepherd, Tessa Skiles.
Who is Chelsea Wisner?

Chelsea Wisner is a Project Manager, Land Protection at Conservation Florida based in Gainesville, Florida. Previously, Chelsea was a Senior Project Manager, Ecologist at Common Ground Ecology and also held positions at Archbold Biological Station, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, USGS, Utah State University, Avian Research and Con... servation Institute, University of North Dakota, Canisius College, Cape May County Park & Zoo, Aquarium of Niagara. Chelsea received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from Canisius College.Read More

Where is Chelsea Wisner based?
Chelsea Wisner works for Conservation Florida, located at United States
See more information about Chelsea Wisner

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