Charlotte Moreira

Early Childhood Assistant at Waterdown Montessori School

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(***) ***-****

Charlotte Moreira Current Workplace


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Charlotte Moreira Work Experience Summary

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About Charlotte Moreira

Charlotte Moreira, Based in Burlington, Canada, is an experienced administrative and customer service professional with a strong background at HSBC. They held roles such as Live Chat Agent, International Banking Associate, and Mortgage Associate, showcasing their skills in organization, attention to detail, and effective communication.Moreira has a proven track record of delivering exceptional customer service, resolving inquiries, and ensuring compliance with procedures. They currently serve as an Early Childhood Assistant at the Waterdown Montessori School, where they are responsible for providing support in the classroom and contributing to the school's mission of nurturing young learners.Prior to their current role, Moreira worked as a Learning Support Officer at the Bridgend County Borough Council. They hold a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the West of England and have earned a Lexis Library Online Research Certification, demonstrating their commitment to professioRead more

Charlotte Moreira Current Workplace

Waterdown Montessori School is a CCMA-accredited institution that provides a unique educational experience for children aged 18 months to 12 years. Located on a scenic 50-acre property near the Niagara Escarpment, the school embraces the Montessori method, promoting autonomy, critical thinking, and a love for learning. With over 30 years of experience serving families in Flamborough, Burlington, and Hamilton, the school offers various programs including toddler and preschool education, lower elementary, and extended care. Focused on child development and learning through exploration, the school fosters a supportive environment where children can thrive academically and personally.

Charlotte Moreira Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Store Operations Coordinator

Tile Giant Canada


Learning Support Officer

Bridgend County Borough Council


Childcare Practitioner

All Born Curious


Live Chat Agent



Org Chart - Waterdown Montessori School


Early Childhood Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Charlotte Moreira

What company does Charlotte Moreira work for?
Charlotte Moreira works for Waterdown Montessori School as Early Childhood Assistant
What is Charlotte Moreira’s role in Waterdown Montessori School?
Charlotte Moreira’s role in Waterdown Montessori School is Early Childhood Assistant
What is Charlotte Moreira’s email address?
Charlotte Moreira’s email address is c***@waterdownmontessori.com
What is Charlotte Moreira’s business email address?
Charlotte Moreira’s business email address is c***@waterdownmontessori.com
What is Charlotte Moreira’s direct phone number?
Charlotte Moreira’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Charlotte Moreira’s work phone number?
Charlotte Moreira’s headquarters phone number is (905) 689-2171
What is Charlotte Moreira’s latest job experience?
Charlotte Moreira’s latest job experience is Store Operations Coordinator at Tile Giant Canada
Which industry does Charlotte Moreira work in?
Charlotte Moreira works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Charlotte Moreira’s peers at other companies?
Charlotte Moreira’s peers at other companies are Sharmila Adhikari, Sofia Vidal, Sheila Buban, Rachana Rai, Melody Lam.
Who are Charlotte Moreira’s colleagues?
Some of Charlotte Moreira’s colleagues are Melissa Gilmour, Emma Comber, Kaitlyn Tcheki, Darci Micheletti.
How can I contact Charlotte Moreira?
Charlotte Moreira contact details: Email address: c***@waterdownmontessori.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Charlotte Moreira?

Charlotte Moreira, Based in Burlington, Canada, is an experienced administrative and customer service professional with a strong background at HSBC. They held roles such as Live Chat Agent, International Banking Associate, and Mortgage Associate, showcasing their skills in organization, attention to detail, and effective communication.Moreira has a... proven track record of delivering exceptional customer service, resolving inquiries, and ensuring compliance with procedures. They currently serve as an Early Childhood Assistant at the Waterdown Montessori School, where they are responsible for providing support in the classroom and contributing to the school's mission of nurturing young learners.Prior to their current role, Moreira worked as a Learning Support Officer at the Bridgend County Borough Council. They hold a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the West of England and have earned a Lexis Library Online Research Certification, demonstrating their commitment to professional development and expertise in legal research.Read More

Where is Charlotte Moreira based?
Charlotte Moreira works for Waterdown Montessori School, located at Canada
See more information about Charlotte Moreira

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