Charles Macedo

Especialista Gestão Econômica E Financeira at MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda

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Charles Macedo Current Workplace



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Charles Macedo Work Experience Summary

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About Charles Macedo

Charles Macedo is a Project Management, Finance and Accounting Professional based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. They are currently an Especialista Gestão Econômica E Financeira at MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda, where they are responsible for economic and financial management processes for capital projects and cost control with a focus on optimizing margins.Prior to their current role, Macedo was an Analista Master Gestão Econômica E Financeira CapEx at Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia. They have over 10 years of experience in the field, with a particular focus on improving economic and financial management processes for capital projects and cost control, with the goal of optimizing margins. Macedo has had the opportunity to work on large projects in Angola and Mozambique.Macedo holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from University Potiguar. They are a Certified Public Accountant and have completed the ENCERRAMENTO DE BALANÇOS certification. Macedo's goal is toRead more

Charles Macedo Current Workplace

MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda

2024-present (4 months)

MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda is a company that operates in the Architecture, Engineering & Design industry. It employs 100to249 people and has 25Mto50M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Charles Macedo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Analista Master Gestão Econômica E Financeira CapEx

Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia


Economic Analysis

Fundação Renova


Especialista Em Gestão

Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia



Gestão Financeira




Bachelor of Business Administration - (Business Management), Gestão de Negócios

University Potiguar

Master of Business Administration - Administração Financeira (Concluído), Contabilidade e Finanças

Facex - Faculdade Cultura e Extensão


FACULDADE FIPECAFI - Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras

Org Chart - MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda


Especialista Gestão Econômica E Fin...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Charles Macedo

What company does Charles Macedo work for?
Charles Macedo works for MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda as Especialista Gestão Econômica E Financeira
What is Charles Macedo’s role in MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda?
Charles Macedo’s role in MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda is Especialista Gestão Econômica E Financeira
What is Charles Macedo’s email address?
Charles Macedo’s email address is c***@mca.srv.br
What is Charles Macedo’s business email address?
Charles Macedo’s business email address is c***@mca.srv.br
What is Charles Macedo’s direct phone number?
Charles Macedo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Charles Macedo’s work phone number?
Charles Macedo’s headquarters phone number is +55 3135066500
What is Charles Macedo’s latest job experience?
Charles Macedo’s latest job experience is Analista Master Gestão Econômica E Financeira CapEx at Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia
What is Charles Macedo’s latest education?
Charles Macedo’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - (Business Management), Gestão de Negócios at University Potiguar
Which industry does Charles Macedo work in?
Charles Macedo works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Charles Macedo’s colleagues?
Some of Charles Macedo’s colleagues are Sergio Marcatto, Marcelo Vitoriano, Silva Weryks, Jailton Bomfim.
How can I contact Charles Macedo?
Charles Macedo contact details: Email address: c***@mca.srv.br Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Charles Macedo?

Charles Macedo is a Project Management, Finance and Accounting Professional based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. They are currently an Especialista Gestão Econômica E Financeira at MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda, where they are responsible for economic and financial management processes for capital projects and cost control with a focus on optimizi... ng margins.Prior to their current role, Macedo was an Analista Master Gestão Econômica E Financeira CapEx at Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia. They have over 10 years of experience in the field, with a particular focus on improving economic and financial management processes for capital projects and cost control, with the goal of optimizing margins. Macedo has had the opportunity to work on large projects in Angola and Mozambique.Macedo holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from University Potiguar. They are a Certified Public Accountant and have completed the ENCERRAMENTO DE BALANÇOS certification. Macedo's goal is to provide stakeholders with reliable information for better decision-making through economic-financial performance models, methods, and metrics.Read More

Where is Charles Macedo based?
Charles Macedo works for MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento Ltda, located at Brazil
See more information about Charles Macedo

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