
Charisse Huang

Pharmacist at CVS Health

Charisse Huang Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Charisse Huang Current Workplace


CVS Health



Number of Employees

About Charisse Huang

Charisse Huang is a Pharmacist at CVS Health. They are responsible for providing comprehensive pharmaceutical care to patients, ensuring the safe and effective use of medications. With a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, Charisse brings a strong educational background and a commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare services.Explore more

Charisse Huang Current Workplace

CVS Health

2016-present (9 years)

CVS Health Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides integrated pharmacy health care services. It operates through Pharmacy Services and Retail/LTC segments. The Pharmacy Services segment offers pharmacy benefit management solutions, such as plan design and administration, formulary management, Medicare Part D services, mail order, specialty pharmacy and infusion services, retail pharmacy network management services, prescription management systems, clinical services, disease management programs, and medical pharmacy management services. This segment serves employers, insurance companies, unions, government employee groups, health plans, Medicare Part D plans, managed Medicaid plans, plans offered on public and private exchanges, other sponsors of health benefit plans, and individuals under the CVS Caremark Pharmacy Services, Caremark, CVS Caremark, CarePlus CVS Pharmacy, CVS Specialty, Accordant, SilverScript, NovoLogix, Coram, Navarro Health Services, and ACS Pharmacy namSee more

Org Chart - CVS Health






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Charisse Huang

What company does Charisse Huang work for?
Charisse Huang works for CVS Health as Pharmacist
What is Charisse Huang’s role in CVS Health?
Charisse Huang’s role in CVS Health is Pharmacist
What is Charisse Huang’s email address?
Charisse Huang’s email address is h***@cvshealth.com
What is Charisse Huang’s business email address?
Charisse Huang’s business email address is h***@cvshealth.com
What is Charisse Huang’s direct phone number?
Charisse Huang’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Charisse Huang’s work phone number?
Charisse Huang’s headquarters phone number is (800) 746-7287
Which industry does Charisse Huang work in?
Charisse Huang works in the industry of Drug Stores & Pharmacies, Retail.
Who are Charisse Huang’s peers at other companies?
Charisse Huang’s peers at other companies are Bobbi Tribble, Stephanie Monk, Ben Cravey, Dan Mcfarland, Emmanuel Bertrand.
Who are Charisse Huang’s colleagues?
Some of Charisse Huang’s colleagues are Yanelys Valdés, Glenn Garcia, Carmen Hernandez, Alan Bachmann.
How can I contact Charisse Huang?
Charisse Huang contact details: Email address: h***@cvshealth.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Charisse Huang?

Charisse Huang is a Pharmacist at CVS Health. They are responsible for providing comprehensive pharmaceutical care to patients, ensuring the safe and effective use of medications. With a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, Charisse brings a strong educational background and a commitment to delivering high-quality... healthcare services.Read More

Where is Charisse Huang based?
Charisse Huang works for CVS Health, located at United States
See more information about Charisse Huang

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