Chardel Johnston

Church Administrative Assistant As of May 2015 at Westwood Christian Church

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Chardel Johnston Work Experience Summary

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About Chardel Johnston

Chardel Johnston is a Church Administrative Assistant As of May 2015 at Westwood Christian Church based in Madison, Wisconsin. Previously, Chardel was a V. Pres and Office Manager at Number 1 Realty. Chardel received a High School graduate degree from Belleville High School, Belleville, WI and a Bachelor of Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison.Explore more

Chardel Johnston Current Workplace

Westwood Christian Church

2000-present (25 years)

We are in fellowship with thousands of free congregations throughout the world, known only as "Christian Churches," who are endeavoring to restore unity to Christ's church by following the Bible only, proclaiming Christ as our creed, and recognizing that we are not the "only Christians," but "Christians only." We observe the Lord's Supper (communion) each Sunday in remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Membership is open to anyone who professes committed faith in Christ and is obedient to Him in baptism by immersion. Our Mission

Chardel Johnston Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

V. Pres and Office Manager

Number 1 Realty


President & Supervisor & Manager, Office

EverClean Services, Inc.




High School graduate

Belleville High School, Belleville, WI

Bachelor of Science - Secondary Mathematics Education and Teaching, Middle and Senior High Schools

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Org Chart - Westwood Christian Church


Church Administrative Assistant As ...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chardel Johnston

What company does Chardel Johnston work for?
Chardel Johnston works for Westwood Christian Church as Church Administrative Assistant As of May 2015
What is Chardel Johnston’s role in Westwood Christian Church?
Chardel Johnston’s role in Westwood Christian Church is Church Administrative Assistant As of May 2015
What is Chardel Johnston’s email address?
Chardel Johnston’s email address is c***
What is Chardel Johnston’s business email address?
Chardel Johnston’s business email address is c***
What is Chardel Johnston’s direct phone number?
Chardel Johnston’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Chardel Johnston’s work phone number?
Chardel Johnston’s headquarters phone number is (608) 274-0266
What is Chardel Johnston’s latest job experience?
Chardel Johnston’s latest job experience is V. Pres and Office Manager at Number 1 Realty
What is Chardel Johnston’s latest education?
Chardel Johnston’s latest education in High School graduate at Belleville High School, Belleville, WI
Which industry does Chardel Johnston work in?
Chardel Johnston works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Chardel Johnston’s colleagues?
Some of Chardel Johnston’s colleagues are Tom Sippy, Adam Tomlinson.
How can I contact Chardel Johnston?
Chardel Johnston contact details: Email address: c*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Chardel Johnston?

Chardel Johnston is a Church Administrative Assistant As of May 2015 at Westwood Christian Church based in Madison, Wisconsin. Previously, Chardel was a V. Pres and Office Manager at Number 1 Realty. Chardel received a High School graduate degree from Belleville High School, Belleville, WI and a Bachelor of Science from University of Wisconsin-Ma... dison.Read More

Where is Chardel Johnston based?
Chardel Johnston works for Westwood Christian Church, located at United States
See more information about Chardel Johnston

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