2021-present (4 years)
Chandra Inglis
Histology Research Technician at University of California - San Diego
Chandra Inglis Email & Phone number
Chandra Inglis Current Workplace
9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, California, 92093, United States
Phone Number
(858) 534-2230
Number of Employees
Chandra Inglis Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
20Number of job titles
5About Chandra Inglis
Chandra Inglis is a Histology Research Technician at University of California - San Diego based in La Jolla, California.
Previously, Chandra was an On- Call Contract Consultant at The Biomedical Research Institute of Southern California and also held positions at Bioclinova, Abbiotec, University of California - San Diego, OncoSec, Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies, La Jolla Institute for Immunology, Daniel's Market, Food Town Supermarket, ExxonMobil, Six Flags, Sam's Club Mexico, Block Buster Video, EAT, Everything Yogurt & SALAD Cafe.
Chandra Inglis Current Workplace
University of California - San Diego
The University of California, San Diego (also referred to as UC San Diego or UCSD), is a public research university located in La Jolla, California.
Chandra Inglis Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
20Number of job titles
5Work Experience
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chandra Inglis
Chandra Inglis is a Histology Research Technician at University of California - San Diego based in La Jolla, California. Previously, Chandra was an On- Call Contract Consultant at The Biomedical Research Institute of Southern California and also held positions at Bioclinova, Abbiotec, University of California - San Diego, OncoSec, Torrey Pines Ins...