Chandra Inglis

Histology Research Technician at University of California - San Diego

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Chandra Inglis Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Chandra Inglis Current Workplace


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Chandra Inglis Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Chandra Inglis

Chandra Inglis is a Histology Research Technician at University of California - San Diego based in La Jolla, California. Previously, Chandra was an On- Call Contract Consultant at The Biomedical Research Institute of Southern California and also held positions at Bioclinova, Abbiotec, University of California - San Diego, OncoSec, Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies, La Jolla Institute for Immunology, Daniel's Market, Food Town Supermarket, ExxonMobil, Six Flags, Sam's Club Mexico, Block Buster Video, EAT, Everything Yogurt & SALAD Cafe.

Chandra Inglis Current Workplace

The University of California, San Diego (also referred to as UC San Diego or UCSD), is a public research university located in La Jolla, California.

Chandra Inglis Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience



On-Call Contract Consultant



Dairy Farmer

Kich Farm


Org Chart - University of California - San Diego

Chandra Inglis

Histology Research Technician

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chandra Inglis

What company does Chandra Inglis work for?
Chandra Inglis works for University of California - San Diego as Histology Research Technician
What is Chandra Inglis’s role in University of California - San Diego?
Chandra Inglis’s role in University of California - San Diego is Histology Research Technician
What is Chandra Inglis’s email address?
Chandra Inglis’s email address is c***
What is Chandra Inglis’s business email address?
Chandra Inglis’s business email address is c***
What is Chandra Inglis’s direct phone number?
Chandra Inglis’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Chandra Inglis’s work phone number?
Chandra Inglis’s headquarters phone number is (858) 534-2230
What is Chandra Inglis’s latest job experience?
Chandra Inglis’s latest job experience is On-Call Contract Consultant at Abbiotec
Which industry does Chandra Inglis work in?
Chandra Inglis works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Chandra Inglis’s peers at other companies?
Chandra Inglis’s peers at other companies are Lee Baldridge, Stephanie Traczek.
Who are Chandra Inglis’s colleagues?
Some of Chandra Inglis’s colleagues are Sandy Poonoosamy, Titus Cites, Tim Marconi, Andrew Aguinaldo.
How can I contact Chandra Inglis?
Chandra Inglis contact details: Email address: c*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Chandra Inglis?

Chandra Inglis is a Histology Research Technician at University of California - San Diego based in La Jolla, California. Previously, Chandra was an On- Call Contract Consultant at The Biomedical Research Institute of Southern California and also held positions at Bioclinova, Abbiotec, University of California - San Diego, OncoSec, Torrey Pines Ins... titute for Molecular Studies, La Jolla Institute for Immunology, Daniel's Market, Food Town Supermarket, ExxonMobil, Six Flags, Sam's Club Mexico, Block Buster Video, EAT, Everything Yogurt & SALAD Cafe.

Where is Chandra Inglis based?
Chandra Inglis works for University of California - San Diego, located at United States