1996-present (29 years)
Chad Parrish
Vice President at Parrish Carpet Sales
Chad Parrish Email & Phone number
Chad Parrish Current Workplace
1601 Lake Land Blvd, Mattoon, Illinois, 61938, United States
Phone Number
(217) 235-4131
Number of Employees
Chad Parrish Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
29Number of job titles
1About Chad Parrish
Chad Parrish is a Vice President at Parrish Carpet Sales based in Mattoon, Illinois.
Chad received a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Illinois University.
Chad Parrish Current Workplace
Parrish Carpet Sales
Parrish Carpet Sales Inc is a company that operates in the Home Improvement & Hardware Retail industry. It employs 5to9 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Mattoon, Illinois.
Chad Parrish Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
29Number of job titles
Bachelor of Science - Accounting
Eastern Illinois UniversityIntent on Chad Parrish's Company
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chad Parrish
Chad Parrish is a Vice President at Parrish Carpet Sales based in Mattoon, Illinois. Chad received a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Illinois University....