2015-present (10 years)
Chad Mcdade Email & Phone number
Chad Mcdade Current Workplace
1350 René-lévesque Blvd West Fl 15, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1T4, Canada
Phone Number
(514) 415-3000
Number of Employees
Chad Mcdade Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
10Number of job titles
1About Chad Mcdade
Chad Mcdade is a Network Engineer at CGI based in Montreal, Quebec.
Chad received a Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado School of Mines.
Chad Mcdade Current Workplace
CGI Group Inc. provides information technology and business process services in Canada and internationally. It offers agile, business transformation, change management, CIO advisory, cybersecurity, data analytics, digital enterprise, project management, and industry-specific business consulting services; application development and maintenance, portfolio management, quality assurance and testing, modernization, and migration services; business-to-business and customer operations support, purchase management, revenue management, and supplier payment services; and data center facilities and management, technical service desk, printing and document management, remote infrastructure, transformation, storage as a service, data vaulting, disaster recovery and archiving as a service, bottomless edge-to-core storage, and file sync and share as a service, as well as infrastructure solutions and consulting services. The company also provides IT outsourcing services; and data analytics, enterprisSee more
Chad Mcdade Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
10Number of job titles
Bachelor of Science - BS, Engineering Physics
Colorado School of MinesIntent on Chad Mcdade's Company
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chad Mcdade
Chad Mcdade is a Network Engineer at CGI based in Montreal, Quebec. Chad received a Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado School of Mines....