
Chad Cline

Manager, Territory Business at Sealed Air

Chad Cline Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Chad Cline Current Workplace


Sealed Air


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Chad Cline Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Chad Cline

Chad Cline is a Manager, Territory Business at Sealed Air based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Previously, Chad was a Board Member at Jamul AYSO and also held positions at San Marcos Youth Baseball.

Chad Cline Current Workplace

Sealed Air

2016-present (9 years)

Sealed Air Corporation provides packaging solutions in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. It operates through two segments, Food and Protective. The Food segment offers integrated packaging materials and automation equipment solutions to provide food safety, shelf life extension, reduce food waste, automate processes, and optimize total cost for food processors in the fresh red meat, smoked and processed meats, poultry, seafood, plant-based, fluids and liquids and cheese markets under the CRYOVAC, CRYOVAC Grip & Tear, CRYOVAC Darfresh, LIQUIBOX, Simple Steps, and Optidure brands. This segment sells its solutions directly to customers through its sales, marketing, and customer service personnel. The Protective segment provides shrink films, bagging systems, foam, inflatable, and suspension and retention packaging solutions to protect goods to e-commerce, consumer goods, pharmaceutical and medical devices, and industrial manufacturing marketsSee more

Chad Cline Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

Jamul AYSO


Board Member

San Marcos Youth Baseball


Org Chart - Sealed Air

Chad Cline

Manager, Territory Business

Recent News About Chad Cline

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chad Cline

What company does Chad Cline work for?
Chad Cline works for Sealed Air as Manager, Territory Business
What is Chad Cline’s role in Sealed Air?
Chad Cline’s role in Sealed Air is Manager, Territory Business
What is Chad Cline’s email address?
Chad Cline’s email address is c***@sealedair.com
What is Chad Cline’s business email address?
Chad Cline’s business email address is c***@sealedair.com
What is Chad Cline’s direct phone number?
Chad Cline’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Chad Cline’s work phone number?
Chad Cline’s headquarters phone number is (980) 221-3235
Which industry does Chad Cline work in?
Chad Cline works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are Chad Cline’s peers at other companies?
Chad Cline’s peers at other companies are Luis Orozco, Christopher Rooney, Art Ybarra, Sylvain Hotte, Nikole Graybill.
Who are Chad Cline’s colleagues?
Some of Chad Cline’s colleagues are Patrick Gunderson, Peter Chen, David Sadowski, Jean Castleberry.
How can I contact Chad Cline?
Chad Cline contact details: Email address: c***@sealedair.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Chad Cline?

Chad Cline is a Manager, Territory Business at Sealed Air based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Previously, Chad was a Board Member at Jamul AYSO and also held positions at San Marcos Youth Baseball....

Where is Chad Cline based?
Chad Cline works for Sealed Air, located at United States