Celina Torrijos

Web Producer at Ryerson Entertainment Conference

Celina Torrijos Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Celina Torrijos Current Workplace


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Celina Torrijos Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


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About Celina Torrijos

Celina Torrijos is a Web Producer at Ryerson Entertainment Conference based in Toronto, Ontario. Previously, Celina was a Productrice Web Producer at Bell Media.Explore more

Celina Torrijos Current Workplace

Ryerson Entertainment Conference

2023-present (2 years)

Anthony Saleh, born in Hamilton, Ontario, is a prominent photographer within the community. Along with his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Photography from Humber College, Saleh is an honours student at Ryerson University in the Photography Studies program. Furthemore, Saleh has operated Anthony Saleh Photography and Cinema which has provided him with a volume of opportunities to demonstrate his skill. Salehs passion for photography goes beyond the lens, as he provided tutoring sessions for his peers in Humber College. As a result, Saleh received a scholarship for Photography Excellence provided by Henrys Cameras. Saleh is now pursuing his passion by steering his work towards cinematography. Saleh challenges himself by devising creative works that engage the audience, as well as provide an educational outlook on the footage itself. Born in Havana, Cuba in 1996, Diego has had to adapt to different environments multiple times. This has caused him to enjoy team-oriented projects and orgSee more

Celina Torrijos Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Productrice Web Producer

Bell Media


Org Chart - Ryerson Entertainment Conference


Web Producer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Celina Torrijos

What company does Celina Torrijos work for?
Celina Torrijos works for Ryerson Entertainment Conference as Web Producer
What is Celina Torrijos’s role in Ryerson Entertainment Conference?
Celina Torrijos’s role in Ryerson Entertainment Conference is Web Producer
What is Celina Torrijos’s direct phone number?
Celina Torrijos’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Celina Torrijos’s latest job experience?
Celina Torrijos’s latest job experience is Productrice Web Producer at Bell Media
Which industry does Celina Torrijos work in?
Celina Torrijos works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Celina Torrijos’s peers at other companies?
Celina Torrijos’s peers at other companies are Dan Greenwald, Elyse Eisenberg, Mikaela Thom, Steve Anderson, Andrea Hardison.
Who are Celina Torrijos’s colleagues?
Some of Celina Torrijos’s colleagues are Gurleen Dablair.
Who is Celina Torrijos?

Celina Torrijos is a Web Producer at Ryerson Entertainment Conference based in Toronto, Ontario. Previously, Celina was a Productrice Web Producer at Bell Media.... Read More

Where is Celina Torrijos based?
Celina Torrijos works for Ryerson Entertainment Conference, located at Canada
See more information about Celina Torrijos

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