Cecilia Giussani

Administrativo at Frávega

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(***) ***-****

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About Cecilia Giussani

Cecilia Giussani works as a Administrativo at Frávega, which is an Agriculture company with an estimated 18 employees. Their management level is Non-Manager. Cecilia is currently based in Argentina. Found email listings include: @fravega.com.ar.Explore more

Cecilia Giussani Current Workplace


2007-present (18 years)

Frávega es la empresa #1 en ventas en Argentina, líder del segmento de electrodomésticos y pionera en la omnicanalidad como respuesta a las nuevas formas de consumo. Desarrollamos un marketplace propio para ampliar la oferta de productos y llevamos la venta digital a más del 45%. Integramos la logística del centro de distribución con nuestras sucursales en todo el país para ofrecer una experiencia de cliente única, con entrega rápida y segura. Somos una empresa argentina con más de 110 años de operación sostenida, adaptándonos continuamente a los cambios de mercado y priorizando siempre a las personas: clientes, empleados y proveedores.

Org Chart - Frávega






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cecilia Giussani

What company does Cecilia Giussani work for?
Cecilia Giussani works for Frávega as Administrativo
What is Cecilia Giussani’s role in Frávega?
Cecilia Giussani’s role in Frávega is Administrativo
What is Cecilia Giussani’s email address?
Cecilia Giussani’s email address is c***@fravega.com.ar
What is Cecilia Giussani’s business email address?
Cecilia Giussani’s business email address is c***@fravega.com.ar
What is Cecilia Giussani’s direct phone number?
Cecilia Giussani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Cecilia Giussani work in?
Cecilia Giussani works in the industry of Animals & Livestock, Agriculture.
Who are Cecilia Giussani’s peers at other companies?
Cecilia Giussani’s peers at other companies are Angel Anghileri, Shirley Prámparo, Franciene Estevam, Nico Mirakidis, Alessandra Salles.
Who are Cecilia Giussani’s colleagues?
Some of Cecilia Giussani’s colleagues are Analy Ybañez, Pablo Aguilar, Gonzalo Miranda, Florencia Delfino.
How can I contact Cecilia Giussani?
Cecilia Giussani contact details: Email address: c***@fravega.com.ar Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Cecilia Giussani based?
Cecilia Giussani works for Frávega, located at Argentina
See more information about Cecilia Giussani

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