Cecil Sullivan

Team Leader, Production at Toyota Motor Sales USA

Cecil Sullivan Email & Phone number


(812) ***-****

Cecil Sullivan Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Cecil Sullivan

Cecil Sullivan is a Team Leader, Production at Toyota Motor Sales USA based in Plano, Texas.

Cecil Sullivan Current Workplace

Toyota Motor Sales USA

2023-present (2 years)

Founded in 1957 and headquartered in Plano, Texas, Toyota Motor Sales USA (TMS) is the North American branch of Toyota. The company is responsible for the sales, marketing, and distribution of Toyota vehicles in the region.

Org Chart - Toyota Motor Sales USA

Cecil Sullivan

Team Leader, Production

Intent on Cecil Sullivan's Company


Interest in Cecil Sullivan's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cecil Sullivan

What company does Cecil Sullivan work for?
Cecil Sullivan works for Toyota Motor Sales USA as Team Leader, Production
What is Cecil Sullivan’s role in Toyota Motor Sales USA?
Cecil Sullivan’s role in Toyota Motor Sales USA is Team Leader, Production
What is Cecil Sullivan’s email address?
Cecil Sullivan’s email address is c***@toyota.com
What is Cecil Sullivan’s business email address?
Cecil Sullivan’s business email address is c***@toyota.com
What is Cecil Sullivan’s direct phone number?
Cecil Sullivan’s direct phone number is (812) ***-****
What is Cecil Sullivan’s work phone number?
Cecil Sullivan’s headquarters phone number is (800) 331-4331
Which industry does Cecil Sullivan work in?
Cecil Sullivan works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Dealers, Retail.
Who are Cecil Sullivan’s peers at other companies?
Cecil Sullivan’s peers at other companies are Lauralee Bagaso, Veronica Magallanez, Jeff Farmer, Jeffrey Farmer, Brian Roberts.
Who are Cecil Sullivan’s colleagues?
Some of Cecil Sullivan’s colleagues are Anne Shoemaker, Lauralee Bagaso, Lavanya Venkatesan, Aparna Panguluri.
How can I contact Cecil Sullivan?
Cecil Sullivan contact details: Email address: c***@toyota.com Phone number: (812) ***-****
Who is Cecil Sullivan?

Cecil Sullivan is a Team Leader, Production at Toyota Motor Sales USA based in Plano, Texas....

Where is Cecil Sullivan based?
Cecil Sullivan works for Toyota Motor Sales USA, located at United States