
Catherine Turpin

Nursery Manager at Turpin Landscaping

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About Catherine Turpin

Catherine Turpin is a Nursery Manager at Turpin Landscaping based in Coatesville, Pennsylvania.Explore more

Catherine Turpin Current Workplace

Turpin Landscaping

2023-present (1 year)

Turpin Landscaping is a full service landscaping company dedicated to creating outdoor lifestyles, located in rural Coatesville, Pennsylvania near Hibernia Park. Our specialties include design and installation of water features, masonry, landscaping and lighting, which we incorporate into beautiful custom projects. Our computer-assisted designs ensure that the homeowner will be able to realize their goals for a beautiful and unique outdoor property. In addition to our landscaping services, we are substantial supporters of the annual Brandywine Valley Water Garden Tour. All proceeds of the tour directly benefit the Chester County Food Bank. The Turpin Landscaping ponds and pondless waterfalls are popular featured stops on the Water Garden Tour, and the annual Barbecue is held here at our rural Coatesville location. In 2012, we raised an astounding $14,000 for the Chester County Food Bank! Turpin Landscaping is celebrating eleven years as a Chester County, family owned business. We sponsSee more

Org Chart - Turpin Landscaping


Nursery Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Catherine Turpin

What company does Catherine Turpin work for?
Catherine Turpin works for Turpin Landscaping as Nursery Manager
What is Catherine Turpin’s role in Turpin Landscaping?
Catherine Turpin’s role in Turpin Landscaping is Nursery Manager
What is Catherine Turpin’s email address?
Catherine Turpin’s email address is c***@turpinlandscapedesign.com
What is Catherine Turpin’s business email address?
Catherine Turpin’s business email address is c***@turpinlandscapedesign.com
What is Catherine Turpin’s direct phone number?
Catherine Turpin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Catherine Turpin’s work phone number?
Catherine Turpin’s headquarters phone number is (610) 380-1119
Which industry does Catherine Turpin work in?
Catherine Turpin works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Catherine Turpin’s peers at other companies?
Catherine Turpin’s peers at other companies are Jeff Bopp, Christine Bellerose, Donna Hawkins, Danielle Goodson, Joseph Paczelt.
Who are Catherine Turpin’s colleagues?
Some of Catherine Turpin’s colleagues are Joe Turpin, Melissa Pool, Gregory Zambaras, Becky Turpin.
How can I contact Catherine Turpin?
Catherine Turpin contact details: Email address: c***@turpinlandscapedesign.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Catherine Turpin?

Catherine Turpin is a Nursery Manager at Turpin Landscaping based in Coatesville, Pennsylvania.... Read More

Where is Catherine Turpin based?
Catherine Turpin works for Turpin Landscaping, located at United States
See more information about Catherine Turpin

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