
Carrieli Pomeroy

Residential Advocate at Dr Quintal & Associates

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(***) ***-****

Carrieli Pomeroy Current Workplace


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Carrieli Pomeroy Work Experience Summary

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About Carrieli Pomeroy

Carrieli is dedicated to creating a safe space for her clients. She strives to improve their well being, mental health and potential for growth.Explore more

Carrieli Pomeroy Current Workplace

Dr Quintal & Associates

2024-present (11 months)

Dr. Quintal & Associates is the premier counseling center located in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, providing mental health services to the Sarasota and Bradenton communities. They offer a wide range of therapeutic services, including individual therapy, couples counseling, family counseling, and life coaching, utilizing accelerated healing methods and various therapeutic approaches. Their goal is to facilitate significant and positive change, focusing on what clients wish to achieve in a supportive and understanding environment. The center welcomes individuals, couples, families, and children, ensuring personalized treatment matched with the right therapist for each client's unique needs.

Carrieli Pomeroy Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles




University of Kentucky

Org Chart - Dr Quintal & Associates


Residential Advocate




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carrieli Pomeroy

What company does Carrieli Pomeroy work for?
Carrieli Pomeroy works for Dr Quintal & Associates as Residential Advocate
What is Carrieli Pomeroy’s role in Dr Quintal & Associates?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s role in Dr Quintal & Associates is Residential Advocate
What is Carrieli Pomeroy’s email address?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s email address is c***@drquintal.com
What is Carrieli Pomeroy’s business email address?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s business email address is c***@drquintal.com
What is Carrieli Pomeroy’s direct phone number?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Carrieli Pomeroy’s work phone number?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s headquarters phone number is (941) 907-0525
What is Carrieli Pomeroy’s latest education?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s latest education in MSW at University of Kentucky
Which industry does Carrieli Pomeroy work in?
Carrieli Pomeroy works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Carrieli Pomeroy’s peers at other companies?
Carrieli Pomeroy’s peers at other companies are Kristi Wassenaar, Barbara Saint-Philippe, Jessica Lange, Tomi Kolapo, Shelly Clarke.
Who are Carrieli Pomeroy’s colleagues?
Some of Carrieli Pomeroy’s colleagues are Damaris Vandy, Dana Spuck, Richard White, Melissa Beafore.
How can I contact Carrieli Pomeroy?
Carrieli Pomeroy contact details: Email address: c***@drquintal.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Carrieli Pomeroy?

Carrieli is dedicated to creating a safe space for her clients. She strives to improve their well being, mental health and potential for growth.... Read More

Where is Carrieli Pomeroy based?
Carrieli Pomeroy works for Dr Quintal & Associates, located at United States
See more information about Carrieli Pomeroy

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