Carrie Sypowicz

Business Owner at Pro Group Networks

Carrie Sypowicz Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Carrie Sypowicz Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Carrie Sypowicz Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Carrie Sypowicz

Carrie Sypowicz is a Business Owner at Pro Group Networks based in Gig Harbor, Washington. Previously, Carrie was a Senior Manager, Human Resource & Safety Officer at Unleashed Networks and also held positions at MasterBrand. Carrie received a Associate degree from Vincennes University and a Bachelor of Science from Indiana State University.Explore more

Carrie Sypowicz Current Workplace

Pro Group Networks

2013-present (11 years)

Pro Group Networks is dedicated to introducing our clients to the latest developments in business technology, as having a more advanced IT infrastructure will cut costs, improve workplace efficiency, boost revenue, and provide you with an advantage over stubborn competitors that refuse to acknowledge their outdated equipment could use an upgrade. One upgrade we recommend in particular is Allworx phone systems, which support both traditional phone lines and more modern VoIP systems. This flexibility allows you to decide if you want to adopt internet-based communications gradually or all at once. VoIP is taking offices by storm as a more affordable and feature-rich alternative to traditional phone systems. The Allworx system connects your phone to your computer and clearly displays both real-time and historical data, which will allow you to better manage your calls, which in turn will help you keep those callers (current clients, prospective clients, partners, etc.) happy. But, as with aSee more

Carrie Sypowicz Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Human Resource & Safety Officer

Unleashed Networks


Human Resource Assistant






Vincennes University

Bachelor of Science

Indiana State University

Org Chart - Pro Group Networks

Business Owner





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carrie Sypowicz

What company does Carrie Sypowicz work for?
Carrie Sypowicz works for Pro Group Networks as Business Owner
What is Carrie Sypowicz’s role in Pro Group Networks?
Carrie Sypowicz’s role in Pro Group Networks is Business Owner
What is Carrie Sypowicz’s direct phone number?
Carrie Sypowicz’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Carrie Sypowicz’s work phone number?
Carrie Sypowicz’s headquarters phone number is (888) 625-0062
What is Carrie Sypowicz’s latest job experience?
Carrie Sypowicz’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Human Resource & Safety Officer at Unleashed Networks
What is Carrie Sypowicz’s latest education?
Carrie Sypowicz’s latest education in Associate at Vincennes University
Which industry does Carrie Sypowicz work in?
Carrie Sypowicz works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Carrie Sypowicz’s peers at other companies?
Carrie Sypowicz’s peers at other companies are Peter Stiff, Michael Fanning, Matthew Driggs, Brandon Wiese, Logan Rhamy.
Who is Carrie Sypowicz?

Carrie Sypowicz is a Business Owner at Pro Group Networks based in Gig Harbor, Washington. Previously, Carrie was a Senior Manager, Human Resource & Safety Officer at Unleashed Networks and also held positions at MasterBrand. Carrie received a Associate degree from Vincennes University and a Bachelor of Science from Indiana State University.... Read More

Where is Carrie Sypowicz based?
Carrie Sypowicz works for Pro Group Networks, located at United States
See more information about Carrie Sypowicz

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