2023-present (1 year)
Carolyn Nguyen Email & Phone number
Carolyn Nguyen Current Workplace
100 Abbott Park Road Abbott Park, Chicago, Illinois, 60064, United States
Number of Employees
Carolyn Nguyen Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
6About Carolyn Nguyen
Carolyn Nguyen is a Production Area Lead at Abbott Laboratories based in Chicago, Illinois.
Previously, Carolyn was a Senior Production Chemist at Abbott Laboratories and also held positions at San Diego Miramar College, Quality Integrated.
Carolyn Nguyen Current Workplace
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories Inc is a company that operates in the Pharmaceuticals industry. It employs 10000plus people and has 5GPlus of revenue. The company is headquartered in Charleston, South Carolina.
Carolyn Nguyen Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carolyn Nguyen
Carolyn Nguyen is a Production Area Lead at Abbott Laboratories based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Carolyn was a Senior Production Chemist at Abbott Laboratories and also held positions at San Diego Miramar College, Quality Integrated....